Debates of May 15, 2007 (day 7)


Member’s Statement On Impact Of Alcohol Abuse On Young Northerners

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I also rise today to raise some awareness about the responsibilities of both the public and the government when we’re addressing the social impacts of alcohol abuse here in the North, especially amongst our youth. Mr. Speaker, northerners have been living with the impacts of alcohol abuse in all our communities for many years. Many communities have groups and leaders that have come forward with many solutions on how to deal with this issue. Some have had some positive results, some negative, and some have not had any effect on curbing alcohol abuse within their respective communities. I’d just like to point out, Mr. Speaker, and commend all persons working toward an alcohol-free community, workplace or family, that your efforts do not go unnoticed, nor are they in vain. Because every little bit of awareness raised and addiction to alcohol avoided is success in my books, Mr. Speaker, especially for our youth.

The youth are the most at risk. It is with our youth that the effects of alcohol abuse are most noticeable because this often results in grief, pain and sorrow for families and communities by youth suicides, attempted suicides, assaults and other crimes related to alcohol.

Mr. Speaker, the real challenge for many -- and many do try -- is to try and provide some positive direction and instil a sense of dignity to our youth while, at the same time, trying to deal with our own demons. This is where we all have to have a responsibility to provide the support and encouragement to keep trying and help these people to never give up. We, as a government, need to continue to develop a campaign that puts more emphasis on programs that contribute to social well-being, like sports and recreation, education, and family planning, while, at the same time, denormalizing alcohol use in our daily lives so that one day our youth can stand up and declare to themselves and their family and to their friends that alcohol use is not normal for them and in their surroundings as it was in the past. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
