Debates of October 18, 2006 (day 10)


Member’s Statement On Operational Issues At The Stanton Territorial Hospital

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to join my colleague Mr. Ramsay in speaking today about issues that need immediate attention by the Minister of Health and Social Services and this government. Mr. Speaker, that has to do with the general human resources and operation issues at Stanton Territorial Hospital that threatens to affect public safety and general health care delivery, not to mention the low morale and frustration of the staff that is resulting in a significant exodus of valuable long-term employees from the hospital.

Mr. Speaker, one that concerns us the most notably are the nurses and other health care professionals, but I must advise you that the problems are not limited to them. It seems to be pervasive throughout the hospital and they are losing long-term, life-long northerners, Mr. Speaker, in talking to the constituents, as Mr. Ramsay mentioned. I’ve met with a half dozen of them as well. What I can deduce from that, it has to do with the lack of staffing, largely due to ineffective recruitment and retention strategy, lack of resources at the hospital, lack of support for front-line workers, lack of means for the workers to express their view and have their views and opinions acted upon. As some employees have stated to me, Mr. Speaker, it’s not everywhere, but in some parts of the hospital the environment is toxic.

Mr. Speaker, I want to tell you that I bring this issue up and I have talked personally with the Minister and the CEO of the hospital and I have confidence in them and the management of the human resources and the Minister of Human Resources. I believe there is good will in this hall that we can act on this, and if we can put our heads together we could resolve some of the major issues at the hospital in the interest of saving not only our public health system, but also the workers that work at the hospital. I will be pursuing further questions for the remainder of the day and the session. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
