Debates of October 26, 2006 (day 16)


Bill 19: An Act To Amend The Archives Act

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Weledeh, that Bill 19, An Act to Amend the Archives Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Archives Act to replace the definition "public record" and to except certain records from that definition. This excludes those records from the requirements for transfer to the archives. The excepted records include:

records of the Legislative Assembly, the Speaker, the Clerk, and the committees and individual Members of the Legislative Assembly;

correspondence between members of the public and Members of the Legislative Assembly;

certain records of members of the Executive Council; and

surplus copies of records.

The bill eliminates the Public Records Committee and transfers the committee's powers and functions to the archivist. The bill allows the archivist to authorize the destruction or relinquishment of a public record only if he or she decides the record does not have archival value.

The bill also amends the regulation-making powers in the act. The Commissioner in Executive Council is empowered to make all regulations under the act. New powers are added to make regulations respecting the transfer and storage of records, and to establish classes of records to which particular regulations apply.

The bill also adds a new definition, "record", which includes electronic records. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.
