Debates of November 1, 2022 (day 130)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O’Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Ms. Weyallon-Armstrong.

Member’s Statement 1261-19(2): Education System

Mahsi, Madam Speaker, modernizing the Education Act is a big undertaking. It is ensuring we meet the needs of our students and communities. The change it can bring is powerful and will influence our society. Madam Speaker, when the Minister of ECE proposes a twophased approach to changing the Education Act, I cannot help but think still separate, still unequal.

Madam Speaker, I truly hope we are not dealing with continuing the segregation between Indigenous and nonIndigenous education. It pains me to think this way. It pains everyone who knows about residential schools and may hurt our family members who have seen segregation firsthand. Madam Speaker, let me use an analogy.

Let's imagine that each phase is a school bus. Bus 1 picks up people, but it only picks up the people that it wants. The only people that are allowed on the bus are from the Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Indigenous people are simply left on the side of the road asking for a ride. The Minister reasoning, we got to get this done fast, before the end of the 19th Legislative Assembly. Bus 2 will pick up everyone, but we do not know when this bus will leave or if it will ever leave.

The Minister says that phase 2 will happen but he does not have the authority to commit to anything past the life of this Legislative Assembly. There should be only one bus. This is the right thing to do and the right way to work. I find it insulting to hear the Minister say we do not have time to work with Indigenous governments when, in fact, they are very important partners in the work that we do. Some of the concerns that I have with the proposed Phase 1 are the following:

We do not know what the proposed changes are and we have been provided no details on those changes.

I fail to understand how the proposed administrative changes, like definitions, are going to improve student outcomes like reading levels.

Madam Speaker, can I have unanimous consent to conclude my statement. Thank you.

Unanimous consent granted

ECE plans to clarify, ministerial powers as part of phase 1. These changes are not simply administrative changes; they are governance changes.

Madam Speaker, the Minister needs to table legislation soon, but he says he does not know what changes he is making or what the legislation will look like. No wonder Indigenous governments are distrusting and feel like the Minister is hiding something. Madam Speaker, the Minister refers to the What We Heard report. He is going to say everyone was consulted.

It is clear from the letters the Minister received from Indigenous governments that they feel like they have not been consulted or that they have been heard. The Education Act has not been changed in over 30 years. If this is very important work has to spill over into the 20th Legislative Assembly, then so be it. I say it is better to do things right not fast. Madam Speaker, Indigenous governments are on the second bus, sitting in the back. This looks like segregation, not reconciliation. Taking the time to do this right is very important. Madam Speaker, the twophased approach is divisive. It recalls the past which was guided by privilege and racism and ended in deep segregation and suffering.

Madam Speaker, this twophased approach is disrespectful of our treaties and agreements. It will affect governmenttogovernment relations.

Madam Speaker, no one wants to disrupt our students' path to learning. We want to address the colonial legacy and improve the education system together. Our elders have always taught us we must act collectively in unity and collaboration to achieve big things. And I say, "Nothing about us without us"

Madam Speaker, let us not send the wrong message. Let us correct this immediately and work in Phase 1 together. We need a path that shows we can do things together To find this path together is what we owe our children. Mahsi, I will have questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.