Debates of December 9, 2021 (day 92)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson:, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Ms. Weyallon-Armstrong

Member’s Statement on Pandemic Business Support

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it has been a challenging year, not only for this government but more so for the people and businesses of the NWT. Mr. Speaker, the pandemic has created uncertainty, it has created apprehension, it has created division, it has exposed gaps in the way this government provides services to residents of the NWT. We need to acknowledge and not lose sight of those gaps if we expect to close them.

The residents of the NWT are looking for leadership, this government has less than two years to deliver, and we must not disappoint. We need to set up, step up, and be a cando government.

Mr. Speaker, as politicians we must listen to the people as they impart their needs, wants, and dreams to each of us. It is then up to us to make it reality. Residents have expectations of us. To deliver on those expectations, it takes work and persistence. We want success for all residents and for them to have that success, we must lay the groundwork and provide the tools they require to achieve it.

Mr. Speaker, some residents have found themselves unemployed, some are working reduced hours, and there are those who are required to work beyond normal hours to meet the health needs of NWT residents all struggling in their own way, trying to keep food on the table, trying to keep a roof over their head, trying to maintain their mental and physical wellbeing. We must acknowledge and respect that adversity and provide support wherever and whenever necessary.

Mr. Speaker, the businesses of the NWT have stood strong over the last two years. They have cooperated with this government throughout the pandemic. Some had to close their doors, some barely survived and are still struggling, while others flourished. During it all, these businesses continued to support their employees and residents of the NWT.

The pandemic required the government to ask a lot from northern businesses, and they met that challenge. Now is the time for all of us to show our gratitude by providing that same level of compassion through supporting their businesses now and throughout the year.

Mr. Speaker, I wish all the residents of Hay River, and those throughout the NWT, good health, safe travel, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2022. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Hay River South. Members' statements. Member for Deh Cho.

Member’s Statement on

Merry Christmas, Mr. Speaker. Merry Christmas to my colleagues in the House. I also would like to extend a Merry Christmas to all the staff who provide valuable services to us throughout the year, each and every day, and also Merry Christmas extended to the interpretation team that provide valuable services also.

Mr. Speaker, as this is the last day of the House sitting before Christmas and the New Year, I would like to extend appreciation to my residents of my riding Deh Cho. The Deh Cho riding communities of Katlodeeche, Kakisa, Enterprise, and Fort Providence have all stood behind me, as I have for them as the representative at the Legislative Assembly.

This past year has been especially hard on all of the communities due to outbreaks of COVID and communities isolating. This is especially true for Katlodeeche, and I am glad they were able to pull through. I extend a huge mashi cho to all the leadership in the Deh Cho riding for the diligence and caring and providing assistance to the residents during this difficult time. Your leadership has guided safeguards to preventing serious harm due to COVID. Although we may not always get what we want for our communities, we have persevered and made due with what we have. Using our own resources, whether they be people, volunteers, inkind services, food banks, and what have you, the residents should be proud how they held themselves up to the challenges they have faced. I am proud to say I represent you as your MLA, and you have made my time here an enjoyable experience, one I will cherish heading in to the new year.

Christmas is usually hard on the most vulnerable residents of our community, and we should try our best to share and open our doors to help out. Christmas is a time for spending with family and friends, and to rid ourselves of all the stresses of everyday life and enjoy life to its fullest. On behalf of myself and my family, I extend a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all. Have a good day. Mashi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Members' statements. Member for Thebacha.