Committee Reports on Pandemic Response

(YELLOWKNIFE) Tuesday, June 9, 2020 -- The Standing Committees on Economic Development and Environment, Government Operations, and Social Development, are collaborating to evaluate the Government of the Northwest Territories’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each committee has written a report that includes what the government has achieved during the pandemic as well as recommendations on moving forward. The reports were read in the House on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. This united work between three committees has allowed for Members of the Legislative Assembly to take in many aspects of the GNWT’s response and examine them in great detail.

Recommendations span most departments of the Government, and focus on maintaining and expanding policy changes, analysis and development of Northwest Territories infrastructure, and internal preparation for a second wave of COVID-19.


“The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light several shortcomings in our current business policies and infrastructure. The past few months have been our chance to look at what’s working and what is no longer working. Now it’s up to the Government to respond.” – Jackie Jacobson, Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment

“The biggest takeaway from what we’ve learned in our analysis is how much opportunity there is to learn for the next instance where our Territory may again find itself in a State of Emergency. The Committee feels that this is truly a learning opportunity for the Government going forward on how to react with efficiency and unity.” - Frieda Martselos, Chair of the Standing Committee on Government Operations

“Our report focuses on the positive policy changes implemented by the GNWT in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Standing Committee on Social Development believes these policies will help all northerners thrive and need to be made permanent.” - Caitlin Cleveland, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Development

For more information, please contact:

Frieda Martselos, Chair
Standing Committee on Government Operations
Caitlin Cleveland, Chair
Standing Committee on Social Development
Jackie Jacobson, Chair
Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment


Backgrounder: Committee Reports on COVID19 Response