COVID-19 Theme Day in the Legislative Assembly

(YELLOWKNIFE) Thursday, May 27, 2021 -- The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight will hold a COVID-19 theme day in the Legislative Assembly on Friday, May 28, 2021.

Members Statements and Oral Questions will revolve around the Government’s response to COVID-19 with the goal of bringing attention to issues surrounding communication and implementation of Public Health Orders.

“While the recent COVID-19 outbreak happened in Yellowknife, social and economic impacts were felt throughout the Territory,” said Kevin O’Reilly, Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight. “Bringing these concerns from constituents to the House will aim to improve communications regarding public health measures in the future to allow all northerners to continue to work together to mitigate risks of COVID-19 in the NWT.”

The Standing Committee of Accountability and Oversight is comprised of the eleven regular Members of the Legislative Assembly. The Committee’s role is to review issues which have government-wide implications, coordinate committee strategic planning efforts, and coordinate Sessional business scheduling.

For more information, please contact:

Kevin O’Reilly, Deputy Chair

Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight

Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly

Phone: 867-767-9143 ext 12113

E-mail: @email