Members Take Action to Address Suicide Crisis

YELLOWKNIFE (October 31, 2022) – Today, a Motion that directs the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) to prioritize implementing immediate suicide prevention strategies throughout the Territory was carried by Members of the Legislative Assembly.

The motion follows the release of early data on suicide by the NWT’s Chief Coroner. Specifically, the Motion calls upon the GNWT to:

  • establish a suicide prevention fund for each region that is expedited directly to communities in suicide crises without application;
  • create a multi-departmental suicide prevention team to support communities in identifying suicide prevention strategies and funding that communities can access; and,
  • subsidize all recreation fees in communities and create new recreational activities for youth and young adults.

The passing of this motion coincides with a focus on suicide prevention and uplifting youth and young adults in Members’ statements and questions. Members highlighted the need for suicide prevention strategies in the territory to support youth and young adults.

“Both the 19th Legislative Assembly as a collective as well as the Standing Committee on Social Development take the suicide of any person seriously, especially our youth, and felt the need to respond now. We cannot wait. This motion recognizes immediate actions that must be taken now to support youth and young adults,” says Caitlin Cleveland, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Development. “We send our condolences to all of the families grieving the loss of a loved one and stand with communities to support youth, young adults, and families.”

For more information, please contact:

Caitlin Cleveland, Chair
Standing Committee on Social Development
Public Affairs and Communications
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly