Themed Days in the Legislative Assembly

(YELLOWKNIFE) October 19, 2020 -- The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight will hold three themed days in the Legislative Assembly this sitting. The following three topics will be covered in the House: Economic Recovery and Diversification; Housing; and Indigenous Representation in the Public Sector.

They will take place on Wednesday October 21st, Wednesday October 28th, and Wednesday November 4th, respectively. On these themed days, Members Statements and Oral Questions will revolve around each theme with the goal of bringing awareness and attention to these issues.

Wednesday October 21, 2020            Economic Recovery and Diversification
Wednesday October 28, 2020            Housing
Wednesday November 4, 2020          Indigenous Representation in the Public Sector

The topics for the themed days correspond to priorities set by the Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committees in August of this year. The Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment committed to, among other priorities, focusing on ensuring that government services maximize regional economic diversification and development. The Standing Committee on Social Development agreed to focus their efforts on increasing and improving housing stock and access to housing. And, accordingly, the Standing Committee on Government Operations set its sights on working towards achieving a representative public service.

“Members will be regularly bringing attention to these priorities,” said Steve Norn, Chair of the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight. “I look forward to the public hearing from Members around the room on these topics. I also look forward to Ministers being questioned on how they are moving these priorities forward. This is our method of holding the government to account in an organized, collaborative fashion.”

The Standing Committee of Accountability and Oversight is comprised of the eleven regular Members of the Legislative Assembly. The Committee’s role is to review issues which have government-wide implications, coordinate committee strategic planning efforts, and coordinate Sessional business scheduling.

For more information, please contact:
Steve Norn, Chair
Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly
Phone: 867-767-9143 ext 12185
E-mail: @email