Debates of February 11, 2010 (day 26)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Almost one year ago today several Members’ statements were dedicated to the high cost of foods in small, remote communities across the Territory. In Nunakput the highest cost of food then was the highest cost of food in the NWT. Earlier this week my colleagues were very passionately describing the seriousness of the situation in their communities.

This government calculates northern living allowance based on the location and the cost of living compared to the central communities such as Yellowknife. In addition, they fund various offices and programs based also on comparison. This results in the government paying people more in the Nunakput communities where they cannot afford the standard of living they deserve.

It’s impossible for an average family in Nunakput and the Beaufort-Delta, based on the average income, to practice healthy eating for themselves and their family. I cannot understand why the GNWT can explain two jobs in Yellowknife and one small, remote community doing the exact same thing, requiring the same level of education, and the same income with a difference of only a few thousand dollars.

My region in Nunakput is by far the most expensive region when it comes to eating healthy. The situation being equal, dollar for dollar more people almost have to live in poverty conditions than other regions in the Northwest Territories. This has got to change.

During my travels through Nunakput I see people in the airports putting food they purchased in their bags at the airport in Inuvik, paying $5.77 per kilogram. This means a carton of milk that was purchased in Inuvik for $4.00 becomes well over $10.00 and is still a huge savings. That is wrong.

I think it’s a great shame that many of our elders in our Nunakput communities choose between having to buy food or pay various bills because they get so little. I see a growing trend of empty cupboards and refrigerators for elders with the luxuries that they have. There are no food banks in most of the Nunakput communities.

I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement

---Unanimous consent granted.

What I found unfair in this government is not considering is that the Nunakput cost of living is 81 percent higher than it is in Yellowknife. Having our residents access healthy food must be the highest priority for this government and anything less is unacceptable.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.