Debates of February 12, 2008 (day 5)

16th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Bromley, Hon. Paul Delorey, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Krutko, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Sandy Lee, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Michael McLeod, Mr. McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Ramsay, Hon. Floyd Roland, Hon. Norman Yakeleya.

QUESTION 50-16(2) Aklavik water treatment facilities

In light of my statement in regard to the issue in Aklavik, where they’re testing the residents of the community for H. pylori, an infection of the stomach, there has been a high number of cases of stomach cancer in that community. There is an in-depth study going on right now with regard to Dr. Morris and a bunch of people from different universities in southern Canada who have taken on this endeavour.

I would like to ask the Minister, in light of the funding situation we’re in — and we’re looking at a possible new source of funding by way of the Building Canada Fund — if those funds will be earmarked for communities that have problems such as issues related to water treatment, water delivery, or even dealing with water disposal in small communities so we can access some of those funds to deal with these types of instances in the Northwest Territories.

I trust that question was posed to me.

There are a number of sources of funding that have been flowing to the communities up to now that deal with water quality, water supply and things of that nature.

The Member is right. We are discussing and negotiating a new source of funding with the Government of Canada called the Building Canada Fund. We’re also talking about an extension to the gas tax. Mr. Speaker, both these sources can be utilized for community infrastructure. At this time it’s really difficult to see how much of it will be earmarked for communities, but a portion, we believe, will be going towards communities.

In regard to the water treatment facilities, in the case of Aklavik, they do get their raw water from the Peel River which flows down from the Yukon. There are questions about contamination in that watershed.

I’m just wondering, as a government, these types of surveys that go on…. What role does MACA play in regard to following those surveys to see exactly what the implications of the outcomes could be for the government of the Northwest Territories by having to replace or upgrade our infrastructure in those communities?

Our government takes a multi-barrier approach to dealing with water and water quality in communities. It’s a real area of concern, as Members would agree. We have a number of different departments working on water supply to communities. We have the ENR, which works on the source of water. We have MACA, which has testing of water treatment plant and also does the training. We have the Department of Health which does the testing for health purposes, and Public Works which works on some of the infrastructure projects.

Mr. Speaker, there are a number of different departments and a number of barriers. We’re trying to make it so we so that we have safe systems across the board. That’s why we have so many departments involved.

Mr. Speaker, in regard to the in-depth review that’s going on in Aklavik, my question was more directed to what role this government plays in regard to that survey and the in-depth study that’s going on in that community. As a government, are we involved in giving input by way of providing information surveys and whatnot that’s been done? Are we going to be called so that when they do determine the source of the problem, we’ve given them as much information as we can so they can make a good decision, whatever the outcome is?

So my question is more in line of what government’s role is in providing information to this group that’s doing this survey.

Mr. Speaker, the question is beyond my responsibility as MACA’s mandate and jurisdiction. It should be directed towards Health and Social Services.

Mr. Speaker, I would expect that all departments are paying close attention to the survey and the evaluation that’s going on in Aklavik and will respond accordingly.

Speaker: Mr. Speaker

Final supplementary, Mr. Krutko.

Mr. Speaker, in regard to my final supplementary, I’d just like to get some assurances from the Minister of MACA that community infrastructure will be considered when you’re looking at setting your priorities for the Building Community Fund. In light of the area such as possible water contamination or problems with our water systems in our communities, those get top priority when it comes to distributing that fund from the federal government.

That’s an easy response. I believe we’ve already agreed that municipalities should be receiving some of this money. We’re having some early discussions with the local government association, and also we’re talking to associations in the communities about how can we distribute this money and what kind of dollars are we talking about.

We need to set some criteria, and we need to be able to decide how that money will flow. So those things are ongoing. I can assure the Member that it will get serious consideration from this new line of funding from the government.