Debates of February 18, 2011 (day 42)



Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. February 21st to February 25th marks Education Week. This is an important time of the year when we celebrate the academic achievements of students across the Northwest Territories and also recognize the many educators who support and strengthen our educational system.

Since last September I have had the pleasure of hosting forums in various regional centres as part of the Aboriginal Student Achievement Initiative. Through these forums, I have met incredibly talented youth. These bright students have courage and determination and are committed to not only for their own futures but the future of others by building a stronger North. I am honoured to share the stage with them at the forums and appreciate the knowledge they continue to bring to discussions.

Some of the youth have shared stories of the people they turn to for support and to rely on. Teachers are often among those identified and Education Week is a great time to acknowledge their efforts. The Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association Thank You for Making a Difference annual campaign is all about students recognizing their teachers. The Teachers’ Association gets nominations from students from all over the Northwest Territories who want their teachers recognized for the difference they make in their lives. All our teachers deserve our gratitude for everything they do. I congratulate everybody who received nominations and those receiving Thank You for Making a Difference awards.

Mr. Speaker, learning doesn’t start nor stop when you walk into or out of the school. Learning is a lifelong journey that includes the family and the community. Education is a shared responsibility, and by working together we can help our students receive the education that they deserve.

This Education Week the department is challenging all residents of the Northwest Territories to take part in the Thumbs Up campaign and identify ways that they can help support the education system. It is about recognizing how each of us is doing a good job and also listing ways that we can continue raising the bar even higher, Mr. Speaker. Residents can get their Education Week package at the regional Education, Culture and Employment centres or from their community school.

Mr. Speaker, we are achieving success on this Assembly’s goal of healthy, educated people and I encourage the Members to join me this week in celebrating the contributions of many people across the North who are helping us to get there.

In closing, I would again like to thank the teachers and educators across our Territory who commit so much of themselves so their students can be successful. I also want to thank our partners in the communities, the Aboriginal governments, the industries, and Aurora College, who continually work to improve education and training opportunities for our people. Finally, a big thanks to our many students for their commitment to bettering themselves while challenging us to better ourselves too. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Premier, Mr. Roland.