Debates of February 19, 2008 (day 10)
Bill 3 an act to amend the employment standards act
At this time I’d like to ask the Minister responsible if he has any opening comments.
Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. I’m pleased to introduce Bill 3, An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act. The purpose of this legislation is to substitute the definition of the term “week” that is contained in section 1 of the Employment Standards Act.
The Employment Standards Act will come into effect on April 1, 2008, and will replace the Labour Standards Act, which currently regulates employers and employees in the Northwest Territories.
Section 1 of the Employment Standards Act defines “week” as the period between midnight on the Saturday and midnight on the following Saturday. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment has determined that this definition complicates administration and compliance with the act.
The bill repeals the existing definition of “week” and restores the definition currently used in the Labour Standards Act. The proposed definition for “week” is “a period of seven consecutive days.” This amendment will simplify administration and compliance with the act without impacting employee rights or employer obligations.
We trust that members of the committee will agree that this amendment is necessary and appropriate. We will be pleased to answer any questions the members of the committee may have. Mahsi, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. At this time I’ll ask the committee responsible for overseeing the bill if they have any comments.
Mr. Chairman, the Standing Committee on Social Programs conducted its public review of Bill 3, An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act, on February 18, 2008. The committee would like to thank the Minister and his officials for appearing before the committee.
This amendment to the Employment Standards Act will return the definition of “week” to seven consecutive days, as is contained in the current Labour Standards Act. The Employment Standards Act as passed by the last Assembly will come into force on April 1, 2008, and defines a work week as running from Saturday to Saturday midnight. It was determined that this would result in a loss of flexibility for some employers and may result in some employees losing money because of the way the new definition of a work week would impact on making overtime calculations.
Following the committee’s review, a motion was carried to report Bill 3, An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act, to the Assembly as ready for Committee of the Whole.
This concludes the committee’s opening statements on Bill 3. Individual Members may have additional questions or comments as we proceed. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. At this time I’ll ask the Minister responsible for the bill if he’ll be bringing any witnesses.
Yes, I will, Mr. Chair.
Is the committee agreed that the Minister bring in his witnesses?
For the record, Mr. Minister, could you introduce your witnesses, please.
Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. I have Blair Barbour, Administrative Policy Advisor, Department of Education, Culture and Employment; and Lana Birch, Legislative Counsel, Department of Justice.
Welcome, witnesses.
General comments in regard to the bill? Is the committee agreed with the detail?
Could you switch to tab 3 of the bill, Bill 3, An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act.
Clauses 1 and 2 approved.
On the bill as a whole.
The bill as a whole approved.
Does the committee agree that Bill 3 is ready for third reading?
Bill 3 approved for third reading.
I’d like to thank the Minister and his witnesses.