Debates of February 2, 2010 (day 20)

16th Assembly, 4th Session
Members Present
Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Bromley, Hon. Paul Delorey, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Krutko, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Sandy Lee, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Michael McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Ramsay, Hon. Floyd Roland, Mr. Yakeleya


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I talked about my concern and, may I add, my disgust about people who park in handicapped parking who do not have the appropriate placard to be there. I would like to ask questions to the Minister of Transportation to see if the department would be willing to take a lead on this type of initiative to demonstrate its position as well as lend its voice to the fact that this is a wrong we should help correct by enforcing this not stricter but with a clear message.

Mr. Speaker, to the Minister of Transportation: would he be willing to investigate this process about causing a demerit system being added to those who park in the handicapped parking who do not belong there and who do not have a designated placard to be there? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That is an issue that we all share a frustration and has been voiced as a concern by many of the people that have valid placards. When we find people parking in their stalls it is also quite complicated because this is an area that is dealt with, for the most part, by the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Parking and municipal bylaws are under that department. We, as the Department of Transportation have not looked at the possibility of including this as part of our demerit point system and we feel very reluctant. We would probably have to require some change in legislation or possibly diluting our program that is restricted for moving vehicles and vehicle speeding tickets and things of that nature. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, understanding the experience and certainly sharing the frustration is much appreciated. Mr. Speaker, I have seen people sort of challenge these on their own. I know a particular father out there who has a child who is handicapped. They are challenging people face to face who park in handicapped parking. I fear for them because one of these days it is not going to be just two people arguing in a parking lot. We need some type of trepidation that sends a message. Mr. Speaker, what can the Department of Transportation do at this stage to help sort of build up this issue to make sure it is clear? Demerit points are a clear signal that this is wrong. Rather than saying how we can’t do this, let’s try to turn it around and say, can we find a way to do this? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I’m being very careful, not because I don’t see a need to increase and add to the deterrents that are in place already. I would think the fine of $250 is pretty significant for anybody to be considering parking in one of those stalls. However, this is a responsibility that falls under another department. The Member is asking what I would do for an area that I am not responsible for.

Mr. Speaker, we certainly can commit to having that discussion with the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs and the City of Yellowknife, if need be, to see what else we can do. At this point, we are not aware of any other jurisdiction that is utilizing demerit points as deterrents. I say again that a $250 fine out of your wallet would be fairly significant. If that is not working, maybe there are other things that can be done, but the demerit points is not something or not an area that we would like to consider as a deterrent. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I can appreciate the willingness or the lack of willingness that the Minister shows interest on this particular issue beyond the fact he turns around and says I understand the concern, but I am sure $250 makes people worry. Well, Mr. Speaker, it is about upping the ante and sending the correct message that needs to be sent, Mr. Speaker. All we have to do is have the ticket submitted to our process, change a regulation so it reflects that. Mr. Speaker, would the Minister show some national leadership on this particular issue and step forward and say we will see if we could find a way? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, no. We are not going to consider changing legislation to include demerit points for parking violations under the municipal bylaw. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Mr. Speaker, is it because the Minister isn’t interested? Is it an issue that he doesn’t care about, or does he think it is too much of an effort to even put a focus on from the department’s point of view? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, obviously the Member is not listening. I said on two occasions now that it deeply concerns me. I mean that. It is an issue that is outside of my responsibility. We feel that there are other ways to create deterrents if the current fine system is not adequate to do what he is requesting. We don’t feel that including the lost demerit points is going to do what he is expecting. Thank you.