Debates of February 24, 2010 (day 34)

16th Assembly, 4th Session
Members Present
Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Bromley, Hon. Paul Delorey, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Krutko, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Sandy Lee, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Michael McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Ramsay, Hon. Floyd Roland, Mr. Yakeleya

Thank you, Mr. Chair. It’s definitely an area that as a public service we’re proud of. It starts right from… I recall getting questions when we had our strategy and making us think differently where we’re developing documents that are on recycled paper, for example. That’s a start; trying to reduce the amount of printed documents that we do. So the terms of reference has been worked on, it has been distributed to the various departments. We got a lot of buy-in from within the public service, and it’s something that I think everybody had embraced in each department, is how do we move this forward, how do we be seen as a green government for the public service. So there is a lot of work to do ahead of us, but there has been a lot of work done under the direction of ENR who is the lead department on this initiative. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

I appreciate Mr. Williams’ and the Minister’s comments. I know we heard a lot the other day about how the Legislative Assembly is doing and they’re marching right along in regard to some of those initiatives; I think well along towards achieving 80 percent reduction in paper in some areas and looking really good. I’m assuming that’s also saving us dollars and giving us some flexibility for other work and priorities. So that’s all I had. I’d probably benefit from seeing the terms of reference, if that’s shareable there. So I appreciate those comments. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. We’ll commit to providing that information to the Member.

Thank you. Next on the list I have Ms. Bisaro.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I just have a quick question here with regard to the contract services. That amount has increased significantly and I just wondered if I could find out why. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The main reason for the increase is for the implementation of 20/20. So contracts have increased by $2.1 million for that purpose. Also, it includes funding for Employee and Family Assistance Program, HAY training, labour relation, a very small section. So the primary reason is for implementation of the 20/20 Strategic Plan. Thank you.

That seems like an awful lot of money, $2 million to implement the plan. Are we adding staff or is this contracted services that we’re using to put this plan in place? Can I have a bit of an explanation as to where this money is being spent? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’ll just go quickly through the list here. Administration of client satisfaction survey, $50,000; travel costs for outreach and marketing programs, $50,000; support to employee diversity networks, $237,000; Youth Intern Ambassador and Enhanced Student Employment programs, $500,000; marketing and recruitment initiatives, $250,000; cross-cultural workshops for staff, $100,000; increase employee wellness programs, $100,000; Performance Measurement Program system and support, $100,000; competency-based training pilot project, $500,000; training for all of the HR staff, $100,000; training initiatives for all employees, $410,000; and it also, when you get to the next page, provides for some increase in employees and I’ll ask the deputy, through you, to provide more detail in that area, Mr. Chair.

Deputy Minister Williams.


Thank you, Mr. Chair. Some of the new positions that have been identified that will certainly help guide us through implementation of 20/20 is we’ll be hiring a new diversity officer that will be put in place for the public service, a duty to accommodate consultant that would certainly help us deal with becoming a diverse public service and be able to support managers and employees in the public service. So there have been some increases to staff in that section as a result of 20/20: A Brilliant North.

We’re on page 3-23, activity summary, corporate human resources, operations expenditure summary, $11.086 million. Ms. Bisaro.

Sorry, Mr. Chair. I think this belongs here, so I better ask it now and find out. The Minister mentioned the Human Resources Transition Team resolving outstanding pay and benefits issues and backlogs and so on. I just wondered if I could get an update on where things are at in terms of pay and benefits and the backlog. Has it finally gone down to zero or are we getting close, et cetera? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. We now have transition in place. There’s been an increase of six positions for a two-year period. Right now, we are starting to make some gains. There was a brief increase for a number of reasons, but now that we have a transition team in place, our expectation is that we’ll begin to see a reduction in the backlog. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Back on page 3-23, corporate human resources, operations expenditure summary, $11.086 million.


Moving on to page 3-24, activity summary, corporate human resources, grants and contributions, contributions, $115,000.


Moving on to page 3-25, information item, corporate human resources, active positions. Any questions?


Moving on to page 3-27, Human Resources, activity summary, employee services, operations expenditure summary, $14.065 million.


Moving on to page 3-28, Human Resources, information item, employee services, active positions. Any questions?


Can we move back to page 3-7 in regard to the department summary. Human Resources, department summary, operations expenditure summary, $40.073 million.


Does committee agree that we have concluded the Department of Human Resources?


With that, I’d like to thank the Minister and the witnesses. Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the witnesses out.

Does the committee agree that consideration of Tabled Document 62-16(4), NWT Main Estimates, 2010-2011, is now concluded?



Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I move that consideration of Tabled Document 62-16(4), NWT Main Estimates, 2010-2011, be now concluded, and that Tabled Document 62-16(4) be reported and recommended as ready for further consideration in formal session through the form of an appropriation bill. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

The motion is in order. The motion is being distributed. To the motion.


Question has been called.


I believe the next item we agreed to move to is Supplementary Appropriation No. 3, Tabled Document 78-16(4), Supplementary Appropriation No. 3, 2009-2010. Agreed?


Mr. Minister, do you have any comments in regard to the supp? Minister Miltenberger.

Yes, Mr. Chairman. I am pleased to present Supplementary Appropriation No. 3, 2009-2010 (Operations Expenditures). This document outlines an increase of $13.326 million in operations expenditures for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

The major items in this supplementary request include:

A total of $8.3 million for the Department of Health and Social Services for increased costs primarily associated with the adults and children receiving care outside the Northwest Territories, the provision of supplementary health benefits, the vaccination program implemented by the department in response to the H1N1 pandemic, the purchase of blood products from Canadian Blood Services and the provision of services to non-NWT residents. The costs being incurred for non-NWT residents will be recovered from the home province or territory of the patient.

$1.6 million for the Department of Education, Culture and Employment for the increased costs associated with the higher utilization of income support programs.

$1.4 million for the Department of Human Resources for increased costs being incurred for medical travel assistance provided to GNWT employees and increased dental premiums.

Also included in this supplementary request is funding for a $50,000 donation from the GNWT to the Canadian Red Cross to contribute to the aid relief efforts in Haiti.

I am prepared to review the details of the supplementary appropriation document, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

At this time I’d like to ask the Minister if he’ll be bringing in witnesses.

Does committee agree if the Minister brings in his witnesses?


Agreed. Sergeant-at-Arms, escort the witness in.

For the record, Mr. Minister, can you introduce your witnesses?

Mr. Chairman, Margaret Melhorn, deputy minister of Finance; Charles Tolley, the director of the Management Board Secretariat.

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Welcome, witnesses. If we can turn to page 3, Executive, operations expenditures, Minister’s office, not previously authorized, $50,000. Agreed?
