Debates of March 25, 2010 (day 7)



Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. [English translation not provided.]

Mr. Speaker, today I would like to once again speak about homeownership repairs for elders in Tu Nedhe. I have spoken on numerous occasions in this House and, if I ask the elders in my riding, there seems to be very little happening in the way of getting action for them on this matter.

Another winter has almost passed and many of the elders who own their own homes have endured another winter with inadequate homes due to much needed housing repairs. In many of these cases, the elders live alone, have limited income and limited education, so they rely heavily on the support and assistance of the NWT Housing Corporation staff and the repair programs they deliver.

When you look at the overall picture of elders owning their own homes, there really are not that many. With a limited number of units, I have asked why the NWT Housing Corporation does not seem to have the ability to help these elders.

I think this is a program development and policy issue. Prior to the development of new programs introduced about five years ago, over a four-year period the NWT Housing Corporation had reduced the core need in housing by 4 percent. That was headed in the right direction. Since the corporation introduced the new programs, the core need across the NWT has increased by 3 percent. The Minister must look at why this has occurred. Why did the core needs increase?

As I mentioned a few times previously, while waiting for repairs to be done on their homes, some of the elders have passed away. You would think that with seniors there should be more urgency placed on their needs for home repairs. Let’s show some respect to our elders and assist them before the houses they are living in are completely dilapidated.

Later today I will have questions for the Minister responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation on this matter.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.