Debates of March 4, 2010 (day 4)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions today are addressed to the Minister of Finance and I would like to ask some questions in regard to the Deh Cho Bridge. Over the last month the government has made a number of announcements with regard to the bridge. They seem to indicate, or at least they do to me, that in terms of management changes and responsibilities within the project changing they indicate that the government is taking over this project. I’d like to ask the Minister what the financial implications are for this change in management of the project and responsibility for the project. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The honourable Minister responsible for Finance, Mr. Miltenberger.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s all within the budget figures that have been shared with the Members. I believe it’s $182 million for the total project costs. Thank you.

Thank you. To the Minister, yes, I am aware of those costs, thank you very much. I’m trying to perhaps provide some information to the public on what kind of an impact this change in project management is going to have on this government, because I think it affects our residents. So this $181 million, to the Finance Minister, could he advise me what kind of an impact that’s going to have on our budget as we go forward? Thank you.

Thank you. The Member is aware, fully aware of the steps we are taking in terms of making sure that the bridge project goes ahead and on solid footing to get the project complete. We are currently underway with some of those steps and we’re going to continue to work on those, and in due course we’ll be coming forward with a full plan and opportunity for a full public review and be made aware of all the steps that have been taken to make sure that this project succeeds. Thank you.

Thank you. To the Minister, I can understand the reticence to discuss specific finances at this time, but I did hear him say that they would come forward and I don’t want to ask the Minister for a response of in the fullness of time, but I’d like to ask the Minister when might it be that the public could become aware of the financial implications that this bridge project will have on our GNWT finances. Thank you.

Thank you. We’re collectively working to a time that hopefully by the end of this month we’ll be in a position to bring clarity to all. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Final supplementary, Ms. Bisaro.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thanks to the Minister for that answer and I appreciate that timeline of a month or so. Could the Minister advise how he intends to “publicize” this information? Will it be a news release? Will it be another media briefing or what? Thank you.

Thank you. First, of course, we’re going to continue to work fully with all the Members and then as the days move forward here through this month we’ll be mapping out the full communication plan as we nail down the issues and steps that have to be addressed prior to the end of the timeline. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.