Debates of March 4, 2010 (day 4)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’ve recently been informed that the radiologist contract has ended in some type of dispute. I’m not precisely sure if it was about money or technical expertise but, if I understood it correctly, people were brought up to provide that service. I’m certainly concerned that this may be putting Northerners at risk. It does cause quite a bit of worry, because anybody who goes to a radiologist, this is not an elective type of treatment, this is obviously for very serious concerns.

I’m wondering what the Minister of Health and Social Services can do to update this House as to what accommodative services have been made since this has happened and if a new contractor has been found to provide these services so we don’t have people at risk. If the Minister could inform us of that.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister responsible for Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Any position like that, if there were any vacancies for any reason, the authority would be using locums to make sure that those duties are fulfilled. I’m not aware of details of what the Member is raising. That’s the first time I’ve heard of it, so I’ll take the question on notice and get back to the Member.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Item 11, replies to opening address. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to go back to item 8.

---Unanimous consent granted.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Item 8, oral questions. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.