Debates of May 11, 2010 (day 8)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is with a strong sense of loss that I rise in the House to acknowledge the passing of a great northern woman and leader, Bertha Allen. Bertha is known throughout the Beaufort-Delta, the NWT, Canada and the world as a strong yet soft-spoken Gwich’in woman who lived and worked for the advancement of aboriginal and northern women and social change.

In 1978, Bertha founded the Native Women’s Association of the Northwest Territories. It was her goal to ensure indigenous women of the North were not left behind in the fast-paced development of the day.

She saw that women needed to get involved in all areas of community life, particularly in economics.

She recognized the value of traditional art, encouraging women to create themselves and train their daughters with their skills.

She saw the future of women in business and industry. The Native Women’s Training Centres delivered training in business management and trades training for future oil and gas development.

Her strong sense of justice and equality for all women was tempered with her compassion and love of and belief in people. Her spirit and laughter was contagious. In her presence, women worked hard and laughed with her.

Bertha was elected as president of the Native Women’s Association of Canada and met other women throughout the world, talking of the common ties indigenous people have with each other.

She has been honoured nationally with:

the Order of Canada;

the Governor General’s Northern Medal, and

the Aboriginal Lifetime Achievement Award.

Bertha and her husband, Victor, raised seven children. Bertha’s strong heart suffered a massive blow with the 2008 tragic loss of Victor, daughter Delma, and granddaughter Asta. It was the survival of Peyton and the love of her children, grandchildren and friends that helped her through those dark days.

I know Members of the House feel a deep sense of loss with the passing of this substantial woman and her leadership. On behalf of all Members of this House I would like to extend our condolences to the family.