Debates of May 11, 2010 (day 8)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to follow up on my Member’s statement with regard to the school playground in Fort Liard. Once again, I appreciate that the Minister had an opportunity to go to Fort Liard and visit the school and look at the playground. I would just like to ask just in general, what is the department’s policy on providing playgrounds for our schools, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. The trip to the community of Fort Liard was my first visit to the community. It was a great visit just to see the students and also the leadership of the community and seeing the playground itself where the students usually play. We did talk about this particular case when we came back to Yellowknife, Mr. Speaker. This particular playground has been identified as part of the capital planning. We may have to expedite the process. It is in the works. It is just the playground is still there, but my understanding is PWS has gone through the community last week. The ground is still frozen. They couldn’t take out the infrastructure at this time, but we are working towards establishing a playground facility. I do commend the community for fundraising of $26,000. By all means, any contribution from the community does expedite the process. This is an area that we need to work with. Mahsi.

Mr. Speaker, I really appreciate that the Minister did hear the concerns of the community, as it was not so much a school as a community concern as well. I am pleased to see some commitment from the Minister to provide funding in the capital plan. But at the same time, as he had indicated, the time to build it is this year. Is there any way to provide some funding to assist the community this year? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, it has been identified for this year but it is at the request of the DEA from the community that we need to work with the board to make this a priority for the community and for our department. As you know, there are other major capitals that are before us, the schools that we need to work with. But at the same time, this is an area that I would like to focus on as well, Fort Liard. I did make a commitment to the leadership that I would like to go back there at some point in time in the summer if it all works out.

Mr. Speaker, this particular playground that the Member has alluded to is an area that my department is working diligently with the DEA and the superintendent at that level. Mahsi.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to see that we will be working in the capital plan towards the playground equipment in Fort Liard in this coming summer and the fall time. I hope to see the capital funds there. However, the community group is looking at building it in components. They have $26,000 this year. They are looking for at least some matching funds from our government who has to be responsible for the school there, Mr. Speaker. Is there a way that the department and the Minister can find some funds this fiscal year or else this summer to help start the playground reconstruction process? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, the decision comes down from the DEA, district education council. The community level will be the authority to make those kinds of decisions as a priority to our department. That is why I stated that we will work with the DEA and the DEC and also the community leadership along with Mr. Menicoche on putting this forward. It could be part of our capital planning process either this fall or next fall, but it is not identified since last year for this particular year. Mr. Speaker, this is an area that we need to work with as we move forward. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to reiterate to the Minister that this is not exactly a new issue. It is about four years old that the playground got condemned. The urgency is to get something started this year, Mr. Speaker, and also some funding in the next fiscal year. Will the Minister commit to tell the DEA, to his staff, that this is a priority item and must be addressed as soon as possible? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I am in no position to dictate to the DEA, but they should be telling me that they want more. That is an area where we need to cooperate. We need to work together. We need to build a strong relationship that we have right now. This has been identified as a priority for the community. We recognize that, Mr. Speaker. I will commit to the Member that we will do what we can to push this further, expedite the process during our capital planning process. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Next I have Mr. Yakeleya from the Sahtu.