Debates of May 13, 2010 (day 10)



Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Yesterday I spoke in the House about housing programs to seniors in Tu Nedhe and the Minister mentioned that the corporation was doing early delivery for 2011-12 in August and September of 2010, which is good for 2010-11.

Today I would like to speak about the delivery materials and labour for housing projects this summer, not 2011-12. Mr. Speaker, it is imperative that the NWT Housing Corporation address serious housing concerns in Tu Nedhe this summer. The corporation must get materials on the barge into Lutselk’e this summer or there will be no other options available to those people.

Mr. Speaker, if the barge is missed, the people will have to wait another full year, at least another full year before any of their houses get repaired. Of all the houses that need repairs, I am hearing that they cannot obtain much needed support from the Housing Corporation because of the various different situations. Mr. Speaker, such situations range from not having a band council resolution in place, or that the individual clients have credit issues, or that they have outstanding rent, or outstanding land related arrears. Mr. Speaker, all of these issues can be overcome. If the corporation waits for all the t’s to be crossed and all the i’s to be dotted, residents of Tu Nedhe could miss another construction season and all of that repair money that was approved by the House will go somewhere else.

Mr. Speaker, the NWT Housing Corporation will spend $200,000 to $250,000 to build a house when they don’t actually have a social housing client in place. Often these units are used outside of the social housing portfolio. This means that the social housing dollars earmarked for that community will go to people that are not in core need. This means instead of decreasing core need, it will continue to increase. Because of this, Mr. Speaker, the Minister must ensure that social housing dollars are spent to address social housing core need issues in the communities. If that does not happen, the people in the community will continue to live in inadequate housing.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. Beaulieu, your time for Member’s statement is up.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my Member’s statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

Sometimes “inadequate” does not accurately describe the condition of some of these homes I speak of. The majority of these homes are owned by seniors and they are close to being in a dilapidated state. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay.