Debates of May 13, 2010 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In October 2009, I announced that the implementation of 20/20: A Brilliant North, NWT Public Service Strategic Plan was well underway. I made a commitment to provide an update to this House on the progress that was made during the first year.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to fulfill that commitment to the Members by tabling the formal action plan and results report later today. The report captures all the accomplishments that were achieved during the first year of our strategic plan. I would also like to share the highlights with Members now, Mr. Speaker.

In order to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, representative of the Northwest Territories’ population, the Department of Human Resources focused on several initiatives. The department created a Government of the Northwest Territories Advisory Committee on Employability and an Aboriginal Employees’ Advisory Committee.

An Associate Director/Superintendent Program aimed at increasing the number of aboriginal employees in senior management positions was created and will be piloted this fiscal year. This pilot program provides individuals with hands-on public service senior management experience to complement their current education and work experience. If successful, this model will be used as a succession planning tool for employees.

The department developed an aboriginal culture and diversity awareness framework. An aboriginal recruitment and retention specialist position was created to focus on the retention and recruitment of aboriginal employees.

With the aim to improving the delivery of human resource services, the Department of Human Resources created a transition team which is focusing on streamlining human resource processes.

To further assist the government with recruiting, the department rolled out e-Recruit and created recruitment strategies for our hard to recruit occupations. The department is also in the process of developing a marketing strategy emphasizing the strengths, benefits and opportunities of the public service.

The department also launched a Managers’ Tool Kit and Labour Relations Training that was provided in every region in order to assist managers and supervisors in the management of the public service.

To strengthen our relations with the unions, quarterly meetings with both the Union of Northern Workers and the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association were established. In addition, monthly case management meetings are held with the Union of Northern Workers to address the current backlog of grievances awaiting arbitration.

Initiatives that focus on the future through excellence and planning and management for the public service include the development and piloting of a departmental human resource planning framework, which have an affirmative action component. These plans will eventually become a part of the business planning process.

Mr. Speaker, the department is developing a competency-based performance management process to demonstrate a commitment to the learning and development of our public service employees.

Finally, the Department of Human Resources is also in the process of identifying common priorities so this government may partner with community and aboriginal governments to improve human resource management at all levels of government in the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, I want to announce that updates regarding this strategic plan are only ever a click away. A 20/20: A Brilliant North website, that contains information on the plan, shows our accomplishments to date and gives the opportunity for individuals to provide feedback, was launched and can be found on the Department of Human Resources website.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the Standing Committee on Government Operations for their ongoing support and guidance as we move forward implementing 20/20: A Brilliant North. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Justice, Mr. Lafferty.