Debates of May 13, 2010 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I want to ask some questions. I work with the Minister of Health and Social Services on the questions. The Minister has indicated, in terms of the health benefits to some people who are going to be affected. I want to ask the Minister is there a percentage of numbers, in terms of who these supplementary health benefits will be affected, the ones who are protesting, the ones who are in the gallery, people left to be being broke in terms of... What’s the percentage, in terms of the proposal that you have put before us? What is the percentage of people that are going to be affected by this new proposal?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the Member is aware, when we went to public consultation on this in April we just wanted to talk about the idea of it. Then people asked for specific options for income threshold and we offered $30,000 threshold to start and then $50,000. Assuming that the income threshold is at $50,000 for single and moving up progressively, we believe that this program will still provide 80 percent of the people a very good coverage of extended health. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, the Minister indicated that for, for example, an income of $50,000 and up is a threshold. Is there a cap on the percentage about 50 percent?

We are suggesting a cap that we are discussing with the committee. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, again, I go back to the basic principle of the real issue is the 2,300 people without coverage right now. Is there a possibility, when you’re having the discussion amongst other things with the committee, in terms of can we put this program in place for the 2,300 people who are in need right now, as we speak? Each day that we deliberate and debate this issue here these 2,300 people do not have the coverage that other people enjoy. That we can have some discussions on the other issues that are very controversial in this House here. That’s what I’d like to ask the Minister.

One of the reasons why we want to make this change is to bring in those people who are excluded. Yes, the option is there to bring them in without making any changes to anything else. Then we have to put in extra money. We believe it will cost two to three million dollars to bring them back in. But the thing is, as the Member for Hay River South mentioned already, the health care budget has been going up at about 8 to 10 percent every year even if we change nothing. The cost of delivering, the cost of human resources, the cost of health care is going up by 8 percent. Our budget has doubled but our population has remained the same; actually, really, almost no growth in the last 10 years NWT-wide. I mean, Yellowknife has seen growth, but NWT-wide. So, Mr. Speaker, it is a challenge for us to add new people and expand services without having to look at how do we realign the program.

As I have said already, this is a program where people can get service elsewhere if they buy the insurance. We need to consider that and we need to continue to work on that. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Your final question, Mr. Yakeleya.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What I’m hearing from the Minister is if we do not go with the proposed plan, somewhere down the line we’re going to have a sustainability issue in regard to health care and that we have to find somewhere $8.5 million. That definitely is very concerning to me and my people in the region in looking at other issues regarding health. Also, that we’re going to be under siege. We really have a problem here, Mr. Speaker, in terms of this issue here.

Is this the best that the Cabinet can put before us? If we do keep the existing program, I believe that we’re going to be dealing with this issue in the next year or so. Is this what the Cabinet can put before us with our limited budget and our needs in my region and other small communities, in terms of health care services and services that we desperately need, as I spoke of earlier? That’s the question that I want to ask the Minister.

As I indicated earlier, suggestions such as how do we minimize the opportunity for our people to dump their insurance, I think we should put our heads together to see how we could do that and we should look into that, Mr. Speaker. We are going to work through this because we know that there’s a time limit to this and I’m willing to work with the Members about how to improve this. There is a challenge to expanding the program to those who need it, without making some changes within. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

I’d just like to recognize the clock. The time for oral questions has expired. Item 9, written questions. Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to return to item 8 on our agenda, oral questions. Thank you.

---Unanimous consent denied.