Debates of November 1, 2010 (day 27)



Ministers’ Statements


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Gaining northern control over the resource management decision-making process is one of the main reasons the Government of the Northwest Territories is pursuing devolution.

Until Northerners have this control, we are not in the position to determine the pace of development in our Territory.

The residents of the Northwest Territories, especially aboriginal people, have a special relationship with the land and water. We all have a strong interest in making sure our land and water is protected and our resources are developed in a wise and sustainable manner.

A devolution agreement will give Northerners the ability to make sure development proceeds in accordance with the principles of environmental protection and sustainability that are so important to all of us.

The draft agreement-in-principle for devolution of the authority over land and resources from Canada to this government includes a number of key elements which support the vision and priorities of the Legislative Assembly.

Mr. Speaker, all Members believe, and agree, our natural resources are a fundamental element of our identity and our capacity to generate wealth and a sustainable future. This is the reason we established a Managing This Land Strategic Initiative, managed by a Ministers’ committee.

Through this strategic initiative, we have worked closely with aboriginal governments to develop the Northwest Territories Water Stewardship Strategy, which outlines our vision, values, goals and objectives for the protection and use of our water resources. This is an example of what can be done when northern governments, organizations and residents work together.

We have developed a collaborative process with aboriginal governments and other stakeholders to develop important legislation such as the Species at Risk Act and the proposed new Wildlife Act. This uniquely northern approach brings all parties to the table, shows mutual respect and creates a stronger finished product.

Mr. Speaker, we recognize the mirror federal legislation required to transfer the jurisdiction from Canada to our government will not immediately reflect the values of NWT residents. We know amendments to legislation will be needed. However, mirroring the federal legislation is a requirement that will provide for a smoother transition of responsibility and administration between our two governments. It will also provide certainty to existing right holders, residents and industry that the rules will not be immediately and drastically changed. It will give us the time needed to lay the foundation for policy change using the expertise of transferring federal employees.

Mr. Speaker, our commitment to work with NWT aboriginal governments will not be lessened by devolution. Not only does the draft agreement-in-principle respect and protect aboriginal interests, it also contains a commitment, with associated funding, to negotiating a government-to-government relationship on post-devolution resource management. These provisions commit GNWT and aboriginal parties to a review of land and resource systems and, where appropriate, recommending changes to these systems and the legislation governing them. This work is expected to be completed within a specified period of time after the effective date of an agreement.

Mr. Speaker, this process will provide the Northwest Territories with a made-in-the-NWT land and resource management and regulatory regime.

More importantly, the draft agreement-in-principle provides the federal funding to achieve this. Aboriginal parties would receive up to $4 million to support their participation in the transitional stage and a further $3 million annually after an agreement has been reached for ongoing participation in the post-devolution resource management regime.

It also provides many challenges and opportunities. Much of the current federal legislation is old and needs to be modernized. However, if we do not proceed with devolution, the current process will continue to reflect Canada’s national interests first and the Northwest Territories’ second. The latest regulatory review process is a prime example of this. NWT residents and their governments are represented as stakeholders.

We need to bring the management and administration of our resources home to the Northwest Territories where management of these resources can be directly accountable to our residents in accord with their values and needs. The proposed agreement-in-principle provides a possible basis for a deal on devolution that could see real authority and control transferred to the people of the Northwest Territories, to the benefit of all NWT residents.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. The honourable Minister responsible for Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to provide further details on the process that we are taking to implement the recommendations from the Supplementary Health Benefits Joint Working Group surrounding updates to the existing Extended Health Benefits Program.

The recommendations that were made by the Joint Working Group require varying levels of additional research and planning before implementation. We plan to move forward as quickly as we can while ensuring we have done our homework.

We will immediately begin working with the Department of Human Resources, and later on, other employers in the NWT to ensure third-party insurance coverage is maximized both by current employees and retirees.

We will also initiate contact in November with existing program clients who have been grandfathered additional benefits from 2004, to inform them that this grandfathering is being discontinued effective April 1, 2011. This will allow time for them to work with their health professionals to ensure we have a seamless transition to generic medication.

Health and Social Services will begin work to reform the prescription drug system to provide better access to lower-cost generic drugs for patients, as part of an NWT pharmaceutical strategy. We will begin work in December with pharmacists, doctors and nurse practitioners regarding this reform and continue to keep them informed. We expect to announce the new program this spring.

Revisions to the Extended Health Benefits Policy to accomplish the Joint Working Group’s recommendations surrounding third-party insurance, extended residency requirements and the implementation plan for parity with NIHB will also be introduced in the spring.

During the same time period we will do a thorough analysis of the cost of enrolling those who are excluded from parts of the Extended Health Benefits Program, also known as “working poor.” It is expected that the savings from the changes we make to the program that I have mentioned will allow for the inclusion of this group of our residents who need the assistance of the government.

We will also plan for a new appeals process for extended health benefits that will be implemented by March 1, 2011. This will allow time for those affected by the change in their status to appeal decisions based on medical necessity.

This will be a busy time for the Department of Health and Social Services as we continue to finalize details and policy. I will continue to work with the Members of the Standing Committee on Social Programs and keep the public informed of our progress.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. The honourable Minister responsible for Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.


Mr. Speaker, it’s my pleasure to rise today to give Members an update on the Drive Alive travel safety program.

Drive Alive is a partnership-based initiative that promotes safety on the roads, trails and waterways of the Northwest Territories. By promoting action that will reduce the number of collisions, serious injuries and fatalities in the Northwest Territories, we are helping to deliver on the government’s commitment to building our future as well as this Assembly’s priority to build sustainable, vibrant and safer communities.

Over the next few weeks we will be unveiling initiatives under Drive Alive to promote pedestrian safety, improve seat belt and child restraint usage, and reduce distracted driving. These are all measures we expect will help reduce avoidable collisions, injuries and deaths on our highways.

Mr. Speaker, this morning many of us had the pleasure of witnessing Commissioner George Tuccaro as he was inducted into the Lifesaving Society of Canada as a vice-patron of the society. I was also pleased to be joined by my colleagues, the Minister of Health and Social Services and the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, in an announcement committing the Government of the Northwest Territories to make the Lifesaving Society’s Water Smart program available in each of our communities across the Northwest Territories. Mr. Speaker, this initiative is expected to reduce the number of avoidable drowning deaths each year due to boating and recreation.

As winter continues its journey across our land, I am mindful that there is a great deal that we can do to improve travel safety. I will close with some examples:

Equip your vehicles with snow tires. They grip the road better and provide better traction on snow and ice.

Drive at a speed appropriate to road conditions.

When weather and road conditions are poor, slow down to get to your destination safely.

Prepare for the unexpected by packing supplies you may need if your vehicle breaks down.

Let someone know when you expect to arrive at your destination, whether you’re driving or sledding.

As this holiday season approaches, Mr. Speaker, be the life of your party, be a designated driver.

Thank you. Mahsi cho.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister responsible for Human Resources, Mr. Bob McLeod.


Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce the results of the 2010 Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Survey. As I have often stated, Mr. Speaker, our employees are this government’s most important asset. Though difficult to quantify, employee engagement and satisfaction is of vital importance to the effectiveness of our public service.

The Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Survey is part of a national initiative started in 2004. At that time, several governments from across Canada agreed to conduct employee surveys every two years using a common set of questions. These shared questions allow us to compare results across jurisdictions and track changes over time. This is the third satisfaction and engagement survey conducted. The full survey results are available on the Department of Human Resources website.

Mr. Speaker, I am very happy with this year’s results. Approximately 43 percent of Government of the Northwest Territories employees responded to this survey. Those who responded continue to show a high degree of satisfaction and engagement, as more than half agreed or strongly agreed with the majority of statements provided. Nearly 77 percent of respondents were satisfied with their work as Government of the Northwest Territories employees. Over 70 percent feel inspired to give their very best. I am especially pleased that over 70 percent of those surveyed would recommend the Government of the Northwest Territories as a great place to work. This is a significant improvement over the 2008 survey, where only 53 percent agreed with that statement.

In addition, Mr. Speaker, survey respondents communicated an increased level of satisfaction with the services provided by the Department of Human Resources. Benefits and payroll staff achieved a high level of client satisfaction, over 70 percent on most questions. The majority of Government of the Northwest Territories managers expressed satisfaction with the services provided by our staffing officers and client service personnel. Overall, nearly 78 percent of those surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with the services provided by Human Resources.

Mr. Speaker, we should all be proud that the Government of the Northwest Territories scored higher than the national averages on 18 of the 19 shared questions.

The survey also highlights some areas of employee concern. Survey respondents communicated the importance of career growth within the Government of the Northwest Territories. Training in particular was highlighted as an important aspect of employee engagement. In addition, those surveyed indicated a desire for an increasingly inclusive workplace where all staff are treated equitably, along with the need to further raise the profile of people with disabilities in the Government of the Northwest Territories. Managers identified recruitment strategies as an area that needs continued attention.

Mr. Speaker, these issues are at the forefront of our human resource planning today. Under 20/20, A Brilliant North, the Northwest Territories Public Service Strategic Plan, new recruitment and marketing strategies are currently in development, including aboriginal recruitment initiatives, a Talent Acquisition Strategy and partnerships between various departments to align marketing plans and the recruitment of specific occupations. Investment in employee development is being addressed through new and innovative training programs, such as the Leadership Development Program, the Associate Director/Superintendent Program and the development of a Performance Management System and Learning Policy. Diversity initiatives include a Cross-Cultural Awareness Program and the creation of our diversity officer position within the Department of Human Resources.

Over the past several years, human resource management in the public service has gone through a period of considerable change and transition. One of the priorities of the 16th Legislative Assembly has been effective and efficient government through improved human resource management. The Northwest Territories Public Service Strategic Plan, 20/20, A Brilliant North, has put greater focus on human resources strategies and practices. Mr. Speaker, I believe that the survey results demonstrate that our efforts have been successful and that human resource management in the Northwest Territories public service is on the right track.

Mr. Speaker, I am very proud of the work done by our public service employees. They also deserve our recognition for making the Government of the Northwest Territories such a great organization and such a great place to work. Their hard work and dedication today have laid the foundation for a very bright future for the Northwest Territories public service. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Members’ Statements


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I am speaking on the community of Tuktoyaktuk and the shoreline erosion problems that we are having in the community. The shoreline has been in the national news, Mr. Speaker. This government has to help the community deal with the problem which is going to take a lot of work and resources over a period of time.

In my lifetime, I have seen a lot of coastline disappear. Areas where there used to be cabins are now under water. A couple of times a year with high west winds the sea floods the roads on one end of town where the swimming pool and the youth centre is. One of the reasons erosion happens so fast in Tuk is that it is built on a very thick layer of permafrost. The warming climate change, rising sea waters and bigger storms are doing a lot of damage. We are lucky we didn’t have one this past summer, otherwise the breach in the shoreline that we are having, it would have breached.

The town’s policy is to build the structure further inland but we have to...these important buildings at risk including the RCMP station and their six units, our fire hall, the Glad Tidings Church, our former old folk’s home, 31 units in total and the house of one former MLA, Mr. Vince Steen’s unit, the breach is right in front of his house.

Mr. Speaker, we need a long-term plan for the community of Tuk before it is too late. Right now we have to protect the shoreline. But sometime years ago the community placed concrete slabs on the outer peninsula, which helped a bit, but we need to extend the deficiencies about three-quarters of a mile, Mr. Speaker. The rock has to be done this year and I’ll be asking for extraordinary funding at the appropriate time. We started this job years ago, but funding was cut off and the job remains unfinished, Mr. Speaker. If we don’t do this soon, Tuktoyaktuk, its very foundation will wash away. Fortifying the peninsula would give this government and the community time to come up with a long-term plan.

Mr. Speaker, I will be asking the Minister of Community Affairs questions later today. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to follow up with a statement I made earlier this session on the continuance of the respite program for the 29 families that currently utilize the service from the Yellowknife Association for Community Living.

Mr. Speaker, first off, the mere suggestion that this government is cutting this critical service is unconscionable. The Minister could not even tell me the other day where the $250,000 was going. Mr. Speaker, the federal funding through THAF would have enabled the program to be funded until 2012. Someone has made the decision to move the money and the Minister just doesn’t know where it went.

Just like the $1.7 million announced by the federal government to fund anti-drug programs. The Minister is quoted in the news story, but the reality, Mr. Speaker, is she has no idea where the money is going and what it will be spent on, just like the respite money.

I’d like to refresh the Minister’s memory when it comes to her support for the respite program. As a Regular Member, February 1, 2006, Hansard, “for many months and number of years I’ve been here, there has been a call for the need or speaking about the need for the respite care program. There is a huge need for this and I think the Members on this side of the floor have been getting lots of calls from those parents or caregivers who are able to get some relief, which is what the program is meant to do.”

Then, Mr. Speaker, Minister Lee was responding to my colleague Mr. Yakeleya on February 16, 2009, as Minister of Health and Social Services, and I quote from that Hansard. “I was simply pointing out that the pilot program in Yellowknife started three or four years ago and I think that just showed the need and the value of giving families who are spending every day, 24/7, taking care of their children in need.” The program, according to Minister Lee, was so successful that the department decided to expand it to smaller communities. So, Mr. Speaker, I’m left completely and utterly confused by a decision to cut the funding for the respite care program here in Yellowknife.

Mr. Speaker, it defies any logic and the Minister can’t even blame the federal government for it. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The chapter of a strong Metis life was closed last week in Tulita, Mr. Speaker. A Metis man of the land, a gentle man with a loud voice, you knew when he was in the house. Also, Mr. Speaker, there are many honourable elders who have passed away in the Sahtu this year too. Mr. Speaker, with them we lay to rest their experience, their knowledge and their wisdom that make us proud to be Dene or Metis in the Sahtu region and in the North.

Mr. Speaker, in keeping with the passing of the elders, the ones who hold the sacred knowledge to speak with wisdom and live life as life should be lived, mostly they were happy, always smiling, Mr. Speaker. These elders lived the old way of life in these modern times today. They live with strong principles, walk with the old laws in hand and practice traditions that sustain them many times over. They have a spiritual connection to the land, Mr. Speaker. Only now we’re recognizing that special relationship that they had.

Mr. Speaker, I mentioned earlier, closing the chapter of a strong Metis life last week. Mr. Archie Lennie Sr. was laid to rest in Tulita last week, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Lennie was born on January 17, 1927, to Mr. Dan Lennie and Adele Lennie, on White Fish Lake. He was my mother’s oldest brother. He came from a family of 12. Mr. Archie Lennie Sr. was married to Jean Lennie, nee McLeod, and they had 10 children and numerous nieces, nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and many foster children.

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Lennie worked on many projects in the North. For example, the construction of roads on the highways, maintainer operator -- on especially Highway No. 8 -- he helped build Inuvik, and he was also a long-time DPW worker. Our elders knew the value of hard work, good work, and Mr. Lenny was such a man in the North here.

I offer, in closing, our prayers and thoughts to the family in their sorrow and loss and know that their losses are comforted by the prayers of many people in the Northwest Territories.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Menicoche.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [English translation not provided.]

The sawmill operations in Jean Marie River have always been a large part of their lives for about 50 years. Last spring the community was provided support by the federal government through the First Nations Forestry Program to relocate the operations closer to the community. Needless to say, the community was quite excited about this as the current site is not very good due to soft ground conditions. To date they have cleared and prepared the new site and built an access road to it. Regretfully, the funds from the federal program were not enough to complete the move.

I would like to request the support of the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources to review the request from Jean Marie River to assist with determining how much more resources are needed to complete the move.

During my most recent visit, I can say that the community does need some gravel for the new site and finances to complete the move. They are also very interested in implementing their business plan to start operations again. There is a market out there for them and I know with support from our government we can get the sawmill operations running again and provide the much needed jobs and business income for the community of Jean Marie River.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The agreement reached between the Yellowknives Dene First Nation and the GNWT for the management and preservation of the Bathurst caribou herd is momentous. We’ve come a long way since last year when confrontation, emergency, shock, and perhaps even fear were the words most associated with the Bathurst caribou management. Today the words are partnership, commitment and respect between government and aboriginal partners like the YKDFN.

The agreement provides a two-year interim management regime featuring joint harvesting monitoring, shared population monitoring that blends scientific and traditional knowledge and steps to reduce harvest of females. These measures reflect the hard work and commitment of both parties towards the recovery of the herd and its contribution to the health of the people.

There’s still a long way to go. The costs of the crash to all people who rely on caribou are huge. For people with low incomes, access to caribou is the difference between meat and macaroni.

Restrictions affect the cultural fabric woven by the hunt, the passing of traditions between generations, the community bonds and strong connections of harvesting from the land. Outfitters have suffered great losses to businesses established from years of hard work and investment.

I’m on record saying that I don’t support bans and I don’t support hunts. I support caribou. I and others who stopped hunting five years ago realized caribou were in trouble. Self-regulation, however, wasn’t matched by the casual and permissive approach of ENR. ENR seemed to sleepwalk into this catastrophe, not even knowing how many animals were being harvested by all users. Belatedly, bag limits were reduced, cows-only education programs were conceived, harvest was broadly estimated, and finally an emergency closure demonstrated the extreme long-term breakdown in responsible management.

Important lessons are captured in this new agreement. Cooperative management, accompanied by basic and objective knowledge of population size and harvest, is the only approach that will work. Greater attention and the courage to act early, all within the context of accelerating climate change, must be the basis of our management of all animal and plant species.

I salute the government and the Yellowknives Dene for finding the way to go forward. I will look for the application of these lessons in our future approach to resource management.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. One of the important aspects of water protection and protecting our land, air, and resources is the protection of the watersheds, as we hear on the news what’s happening in Fort McMurray and what effects it is having on the Athabasca and Mackenzie rivers systems.

An area of controversy in my riding is dealing with the Peel River watershed and the planning commission report that is presently before public hearings. There were some 60 people at a public meeting in Fort McPherson where they made their voices heard loud and clear that they don’t want 80 percent protection of the Peel River watershed; they want 100 percent protection.

We may ask why. Anyone downstream from major resource developments should be worried, in consideration of what’s happening in Fort McMurray. There are some 8,000 mineral claims in the Peel River watershed that have potential to have long-term effects downstream, especially for those communities on the Peel River, such as Fort McPherson and Aklavik.

I think it’s important that we consider this as a jewel to protect for the national interests of all people in Canada and the world. This region has not only cultural value to the indigenous people but also important significance to protecting a watershed that still flows freely and has an abundance of wildlife and plant species that have been there for thousands of years.

I think it’s important as a government that we take positions when we talk about water bodies that affect jurisdictions downstream, such as the Northwest Territories by way of the Peel River watershed, which flows from the Yukon into the Northwest Territories and through to the Arctic Ocean. I think it’s more important that as a government we make our position known.

At the appropriate time I will be having questions for the Minister of Environment on this important issue to the people I represent.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In early October I attended the Prospects North Conference organized by the NWT Chamber of Commerce here in Yellowknife. It was a great opportunity to meet with and talk to businesses in the North and organizations interested in doing business here in the North. There was a lot of talk during the conference about resource extraction projects in the Northwest Territories.

Big projects are important, as they bring new money into the Northwest Territories, and I welcome them on the right environmental and social terms. These opportunities continue to be important and must be pursued by this government. However, my focus today is not on the large resource extracted opportunities in the North. Today I want to talk a little bit about small and medium businesses throughout the Northwest Territories.

As we all know, injecting new money into the Northwest Territories is critical for our future, but our ability as Northerners to circulate those dollars throughout our local communities and economies is just as critical. Currently, a lot of money being spent in our communities flows straight south. It doesn’t circulate in our northern communities for very long, or at all. This does not help us support local sustainable communities.

I applaud local businesses, the local chambers of commerce, as well as organizations such as the NWT Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Aboriginal Business Association -- NABA -- which are committed to small and medium businesses owned and operated in the Northwest Territories. These organizations will continue to play an important role in the future of the Northwest Territories, but they can’t do everything. The Government of the Northwest Territories must play a role as well. We must be supportive of our small and medium local businesses in all communities throughout the Northwest Territories.

I know the GNWT is doing much to support these types of businesses. We have SEED, we offer training to small entrepreneurs, we have the ITI supporting the Community Futures Development Corporation, and we have BIP. Unfortunately, small and medium business growth is still moderate and existing businesses continue to struggle. Money continues to flow south. Last year the Canadian Federation of Independent Business – CFIB – reported that the NWT is one of the worst jurisdictions in Canada when it comes to the trappings of red tape. Small and medium businesses are overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of forms and applications that must be completed during start-up and ongoing operations.

Let’s be business friendly in our Territory.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. Abernethy, your time for Member’s statement has expired.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

I have a suggestion for the Minister responsible for Industry, Tourism and Investment. I recognize that red tape is not the creation of the Northwest Territories and that local, community and city governments, as well as the federal government, also contribute to the load. However, as the territorial government, we have the ability to contribute to solutions to help reduce the overall red-tape load. During question period today I will be asking the Minister to consider working with organizations such as the NWT Chamber of Commerce and NABA to conduct research on red-tape burns on our local businesses, have them help us identify the overall burden and make recommendations which the GNWT can action to begin the process of reducing the burn.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. The honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I want to talk about the government and how they can support a very important part of our northern business economy, that being our NWT artists. By way of fact, approximately 18 percent of the NWT population considers themselves an artist in one form or another. That’s almost one in five, which is an amazing population in our Territory. That could be your friends, your neighbours or whoever, but when you look around, one in five is a lot of people who consider themselves in a special area.

These artists are involved in carving, sewing, needlecraft, drawing, painting, creation of jewellery, visual arts, literary arts and publishing, performing arts, photography, film and video production. It’s a big list not to be considered as important.

Sadly, there are not very many of these people that we call artists that can make a full-time living through their skills and talents. Of all these people, they certainly make a serious and considerable contribution to the richness of the North and certainly our economy.

Last summer the Government of Saskatchewan enacted a law called the Arts Professions Act, which protects the intellectual property of artists and supports the development of properly prepared contracts. That law includes a definition of a professional artist and commits the Saskatchewan government to develop a cultural policy framework and action plan.

With Northerners and Southerners alike always raving about northern arts and culture, be it traditional or even modern art as I’ve made note of earlier, it is time that this government trade its lip service by providing a backstop by protecting and enshrining what artists mean in the Northwest Territories by recognizing them, supporting them, and protecting their works.

I believe with legislation similar to the Saskatchewan Arts Professions Act it is something that the GNWT in partnership with our northern artists should consider. If the artist community thinks it’s important enough and similarly needed in the NWT, a lot could be benefitted here. I believe this is something that the government should take seriously and work towards.

As I’ve often said, business may be known as the engine of our economy, however, arts and culture will definitely always be known as the soul of our economy. Let’s tap in to our one-in-five artists in our Territory who definitely make a considerable difference in our day-to-day lives.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to recognize an elder from the Sahtu and advisor to me, Mr. Andrew John Kenny.

Oral Questions


Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement I spoke about the sawmill operations being relocated in Jean Marie River. I would like to ask, I believe it’s the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources some questions on it. In the springtime they had First Nations funding from the federal government to relocate the sawmill. They’ve only completed half the job. I’d like to ask the Minister, at what stage has their department been assisting the community in relocating the sawmill.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Minister responsible for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr. Miltenberger.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Environment and Natural Resources has been working with the community. As the Member knows, Jean Marie River has indicated interest in biomass and we are hoping it would be the site of a pilot project that would take advantage of their location in the boreal forest and the work that they’ve done. They’ve been involved on this project, but I am not aware of the specific information that the Member has mentioned about the shortfall of the funding. Thank you.

The Minister may not have seen the proposal yet from the community, but what type of programming would be available from Environment and Natural Resources to assist the sawmill operation like this and relocating them? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, Environment and Natural Resources has the lead with the file as it pertains to the development of the Biomass Strategy and implementation across the North. We, as the government, have put $60 million over four years for alternative energy. One significant piece of that is dedicated towards biomass. There is funding available for different projects.

Once again, I’d have to check with the department and maybe talk to the Member and get some more detail, but there is a biomass plan, there is funding in place to assist with biomass projects. The question would have to be to see what flexibility is there. Thank you.

I’m pleased to see that there is some programming. Hopefully, what they would like to do will fit in the guidelines.

My next logical question is: Have all the programming dollars been taken up for this fiscal year? Is this an opportunity for the community of Jean Marie to relocate the rest of the equipment this coming winter? Thank you.