Debates of November 1, 2010 (day 27)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My colleague Mr. Ramsay raised the issue today regarding the potential loss of respite care through the Yellowknife Association for Community Living. Of course, like many Members in Yellowknife, I too have constituents who do receive this care. It is a significant priority to them. I have received their e-mails of concern. No less passionate is my concern about the funding, as highlighted by Mr. Ramsay. I would like to maybe see if the Minister can explain what is happening with their funding agreement, to ensure that there is some stability through this fiscal year, and what efforts will be made to ensure that we have some stability going into the next funding year. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, everything that comes through Health and Social Services is highly charged and highly emotional. There are always more demands than supply of money. I just want to clarify the information on funding, because some Members seem to be not clear on that, Mr. Speaker. We just approved the business plan that we cannot talk about. I agree that there was money approved for that for next year, money being discussed, but that hasn’t to do with this funding arrangement we have with YACL. The THSSI funding we just approved in supplementary appropriation yesterday has to do with 2010-11. We have not dealt with THSSI funding for next year.

Mr. Speaker, I want to tell the Member that I am very aware of the importance of this program. I am reading all of the correspondence that I am receiving as well. I am working hard with the department to see how we can assist the association with this situation. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, I have gotten to know many of these families and they certainly depend on this respite care very highly. It is an important break through the system. It is not a holiday. It is a way to organize their life and give them the chance to be part of a program that allows them to do more. If anyone knows anyone who has a family in this situation, although there are certainly challenges before them and my heart goes out to how hard they work to get through these things. Mr. Speaker, my question being to the Minister now, is the fact is what is the department doing to advocate further funding or support funding in some funding mechanism for this particular issue. The reality is this is really pulling the carpet out from a lot of these families. It would be a significant setback if we don’t continue to find some way to support them. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the Member’s comment. What I propose to do is work with the association. I am committed to communicating directly with them so that we can sit down and have a dialogue about how we could come up with an agreement. I could tell the Member today that I am committed to finding a solution out of this situation. I understand. I have told the parents who have talked to me that no one has to convince me of the importance of this program. I am a little hesitant to address this publicly, because, Mr. Speaker, every day I get asked by Members and the public for additional funding for all sorts of projects, but I think what we need to do is we haven’t been able to do this yet. I am going to communicate directly with the association and work together to find a resolution. I want to commit to the Member again that I will find the solution. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I never get tired of saying, although I don’t have to say it very often. Would the Minister commit to meeting with this constituent organization in my riding, because YACL is a downtown organization? Would she commit to opening up a meeting so we can have this type of bridging conversation with any member who is interested in being involved and finding a solution together? We don’t want to miss a real opportunity here to make sure that these families are supported, and I can guarantee, undoubtedly, that there are many Members in this Assembly who would like to be involved in finding that solution to bridge forward for these families again helping protect respite services here for our residents. Would the Minister be willing to join us and invite as many Members as possible to be a part of this? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, yes, as a matter of fact, we are communicating right now to sit down together and to less politicize this issue and have the facts prevail and have my officials sit with YACL and work out a resolution. I say it again, that we will find a resolution to provide assistance to YACL. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Time for question period has expired; however, I will allow the Member a final supplementary. Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As we have all seen quite clearly, this is an important issue. It sounds as if the Minister can appreciate that it is a significant issue for many families. The point being here is that timing is everything. We need a meeting as soon as possible. Can the Minister ensure that she will commit to having a meeting before Christmas? That way, Members will have time to get down, help source out some solutions and we can get this process moving as fast as possible. Otherwise, if we leave this open without a focus to challenge ourselves, it may sit and drag on forever. The families don’t need that. Certainly Members who are advocating for this issue don’t need that either. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, I expect that we will resolve this way before Christmas in the very near future. Thank you.