Debates of November 28, 2007 (day 4)


Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am a big supporter of the arts community. I really believe that arts speak to the heart and soul of the people and to our society, but arts funding all quite often isn’t maybe as shiny as maybe some of the oil and gas funding that is given out. That causes me some concern, because I think that there are many areas of our society in excitement we can represent. Arts bring in things like tourism. I think they build communities, such as personal pride and promotion. Mr. Speaker, the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre is suffering from lack of core funding that doesn’t meet the times and the needs that they are suffering from. So my question to the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment at this moment is, has he had a chance to be briefed on this problem that the core funding isn’t appropriate for NACC? Is he willing to revisit that problem and see if he can address this issue? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister responsible for Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.

Return To Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the art portfolio is with Education, Culture and Employment. It is across the board in the Northwest Territories. NACC is one of the jurisdictions that we do sponsor. But there are reviews currently underway. That information will be available when it is completed. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the answer from the Minister, but the real question is that NACC is a territorial organization. Although, yes, it is established here in Yellowknife and for a long time quite a community organization, but they make every effort they can to get out throughout the Northwest Territories. They involve youth and culture. The fray of the complement of exciting things they pride are many, but the fact is that their funding doesn’t meet the times and the needs. Would the Minister commit to seriously evaluating this problem to make sure that we can get something early on to the business plans for our upcoming budget year? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Lafferty.

Further Return To Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yes, there is a review underway to deal with its programs and policies that support community-based cultural programs, culture and heritage organizations. Again, NACC will be one of them and across the board in the Northwest Territories. So there is a review underway. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate that. When can we expect this review done? Do we expect it done in a timely way so then we can look at hopefully supporting NACC in a more appropriate and more balanced way? Again, recognizing their infrastructure costs, needs and reflective of the costs and times we live in. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Lafferty.

Further Return To Question 55-16(1): Core Funding For Northern Arts And Cultural Centre

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yes, this initiative and the review process all fits in with the policies and planning that we are currently discussing. That document will be produced and this will be part of the ongoing discussion as a priority for the 16th Assembly. Mahsi.

Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the Minister of ITI. The ITI and ENR used to be one department. They have been separated now, ENR and ITI. In some communities, the office has remained co-located. I am certainly aware of the Shared Services Agreement between those two departments, but in Hay River we have a logistical issue I think with ENR offices and ITI offices currently located at about Mile 5, quite a ways from the downtown core and all of the other services in town. I can see renewable resource officers in ENR being out along the river there in that picturesque little location, but for the people that are involved in the oil and gas and the people involved in the economic development and those activities, they are kind of a bit off the beaten trail out there. They are five miles out of town. It is not like people are walking by or anything. I would like to ask the Minister if he has given any thought to relocating the ITI offices away from ENR and bringing them into the downtown core in Hay River where they are more accessible to the clients that would use them. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Minister responsible for Industry, Tourism and Investment, Mr. Bob McLeod.

Return To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, we have had some discussions. That situation that the honourable Member described also occurs in other communities. The reasons we haven’t dealt with it yet comes down to money, and it costs money to relocate to another office. As well, there has to be office space available. The approach that we have taken to date is we are not going to move unless the growth requirements of ENR requires us to move out. At that time, we would approach Public Works to find us appropriate office space and a suitable location so that we could service our clientele. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, has any formal work been done to assess whether or not the current space does have enough capacity to accommodate ENR and ITI? It is quite apart from an inconvenience for anybody who wants to see an economic development officer, for example, having to go all the way out to Mile 5. Has there been any assessment done of those needs? There are also seasonal people who come in with ENR who also use that same location office. So I would like to know what formal work has been done to identify whether those offices at Mile 5 are adequate. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I haven’t seen anything formal other than I know that within the Department of ENR, there have been indications that they do require additional space for their own departmental requirements. Until such time as we are officially advised that they want us out of there, we will continue to stay in those locations. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What kind of a priority, Mr. Speaker, would the Minister put on accessibility for clients and the public accessing offices related to Industry, Tourism and Investment? As to the issue of office space, I think the Mackenzie Valley pipeline office is located in a downtown location on a floor basically all by themselves. Also the representative from whoever sends agriculture interests in Hay River for ITI is located in the same spot, so you already have a fair presence with the Mackenzie Valley pipeline office and the agriculture officer in the downtown core. I think there is a whole rest of a floor right there. So I don’t think that availability of space is an issue. What kind of a timeline are you looking at for having ENR notify you of their requirements? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As a department, we would like to be where the action is. We will be prepared to look at moving downtown as the Member indicates there is office space available. The main consideration would be one of cost. If it is one way to service our clientele better, we will be definitely prepared to do so. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Final supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. At times, we do talk about a one-window approach, Mr. Speaker, to those types of services and also Community Futures also has an office located downtown. It would be an interesting concept when we look at the other ITI presence in the downtown core to put things at one location and the coordination that might result from that. So again, I would ask the Minister, what kind of a timeline will he be looking at and hearing back from ENR what their current and projected needs are? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 56-16(1): Office Space For ENR And ITI In Constituency

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Definitely, we would like to find a way to have a single-window approach, especially with the Community Futures program. I expect that the timeline would have to be tied in with the business planning process. I would think that it would probably be a period of four to five months, I think. Thank you.

Question 57-16(1): 2008 Arctic Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is addressed to the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. I want to follow up on the question posed by Mr. Ramsay relative to the soccer teams and territorial trials and changing of rules midstream. The Minister has addressed the issue of the deadline being changed, but it is my understanding, as well, that the regions were allowed to recruit players from other regions and combine players from one or more different regions to field a team within their own region, but that Yellowknife was not allowed this courtesy. I wonder if the Minister could give me some clarification, please. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The honourable Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Mr. Michael McLeod.

Return To Question 57-16(1): 2008 Arctic Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the two regions decided that they wanted to cross-fill some positions that were vacant on their team. There were a number of players that did not have teams to play on. There were a number of communities that didn’t have teams try out at all. In this instance with soccer, there were two players from Fort Smith that had no team to play on. Fort Smith did not have a team in that division. They requested, and were allowed, to try out for the Mackenzie regional team which had one vacant position. That position was filled by one player from Fort Smith. The other one was not selected and does not have a team to play on now. Yes, there was an allowance made for cross-filling the positions in the vacant positions on teams.

Yellowknife didn’t have the same opportunity because every team position was filled in every category and there was no need to look at cross-filling from another region, Mr. Speaker. The sports organizations didn’t allow Yellowknife to try out for another region because they had an opportunity to try out in Yellowknife. That was the reason, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Supplementary, Ms. Bisaro.

Supplementary To Question 57-16(1): 2008 Arctic Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have to say that I think that there is a huge amount of unfairness in the way that this has proceeded. I don’t feel that players should be allowed after rules have been fully investigated, from what I understand, some time ago. The rules were changed. There was agreement among all parties that the rules should be as they were, that the players should not be able to join teams from another region. I understand the Minister’s desire to have more players than fewer players compete, but I think it is an extremely unfair process. I would like to ask the Minister whether or not he is intending to review this process with all of the sports governing bodies which are involved and all the parties which are involved and if these rules will be changed back to the way they were and if those will be maintained for the next time trials come around. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 57-16(1): 2008 Arctic Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Once again, those rules were not changed by myself or MACA. Those rules were agreed upon by all of the sports organizations, including Sport North. The decision was made a year ago to try to encourage more athletes to take part. I am sure we could have left it with some teams having vacant slots. I am sure we could have left some of the players in the communities having no place to try out on, but, Mr. Speaker, the intent here is to try to encourage more people to take part in the Arctic Winter Games, have a truly territorial sport and have opportunity for all of the kids in the North. That is what we were attempting to do with the sports partners in the NWT. We have reviewed the situation. We don’t feel that anything was done was improper. I have checked with all of the sports organizations, including Sport North and organizations across the Territories. They all agree that this is the best way to move forward. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my next set of questions will be directed to the Minister of Health and Social Services regarding the dementia centre. Mr. Speaker, the dementia centre has been a dream of many people in the city of Yellowknife to see built. It has been developed. It has been worked on for many years. It keeps getting stalled and redeveloped. It never seems to move forward. So, Mr. Speaker, I would like an update from the Minister of Health and Social Services. What is happening with this project? Can we expect anything to actually finally move forward on this project to break ground and see the development of this? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Return To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, certainly, this is an important project that has been worked on for a long time. I don’t think there are any stalling tactics going on. There is a lot of work being done between the department and the YACCS. There are lots of documents and agreements that they are reviewing right now so that we can have the results and have it put before this Assembly and this Cabinet for review and approval. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have to admit I didn’t really get anything from that answer. I have heard out on the street, my sources tell me that there was supposed to be a launch for late summer or early fall. There was supposed to be a groundbreaking ceremony. There was supposed to be a public announcement. There was supposed to be something happening on this project, but all of a sudden it has gone to just sort of some dead space. It has just stopped. So, Mr. Speaker, first of all, is this Minister assuring us or would she bow to this House to ensure that this project will be taken upon immediately and forthwith? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Ms. Lee.

Further Return To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this project is very much a live issue. Mr. Speaker, also there was some interest on the part of some Members to have a sod turning ceremony, but it was right smack in the middle of campaigns. That didn’t seem like a very good idea at the time. Mr. Speaker, there is a need for the YACCS and the government to finalize on the access agreement so that there could be more work done to use the space that is owned by YACCS. There are lots of other details that are being worked on. I can assure the Member that this project is very much alive. There is a lot of work being done. There was and is support there on the part of this Minister. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It sure sounds like a lot of work is being done, but nothing is being done or accomplished. Mr. Speaker, we could be building this facility now. I think the issue really at hand is what is slowing us down. I can’t see why we would have stalled some type of sod turning just because there was an election. The fact is it sounds like we have delayed this. What is the Minister telling us today? Is there going to be a project? If so, when are we going to start by sod turning, launching it, announcing it, etcetera? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Ms. Lee.

Further Return To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, being a returning Member, the Member is, I am sure, well aware of a lot of the work that was done. Mr. Speaker, there is a lot of work done by the previous Health Minister to agree with the YACCS and the scope and the costs of the project. We need to reaffirm that in this Assembly and the proper documentation will go to Cabinet for further approval. If he talks to his sources at YACCS, they will be able to tell him about the work that has been done. It is very much alive. A lot of work is being done. It is moving forward. The sod turning ceremony will happen when it is appropriate. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Final, short supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 58-16(1): Dementia Facility In Yellowknife

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. At this rate, we can have a snow turning tomorrow. Everybody here is available. The ground is too frozen for a sod turning, but the fact is we could be making some type of announcement. We could be doing something now. We could demonstrate our commitment to this. So, Mr. Speaker, when will this be done? This has been sitting for a long time. When? All this work is accomplished and it is ready to go. So when are we going to do something and show that this project is a real project? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.