Debates of October 14, 2010 (day 16)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to celebrate the life and commemorate the passing of a great citizen and long-time resident of Weledeh, the late Theresa Reid. Most Yellowknifers knew Theresa Reid as the ever-present, cheery face at the St. Patrick’s Parish Flea Market. For 36 years Theresa put her spirit and energy into a Yellowknife institution dedicated to ensuring those in need have affordable access to basic goods: a warm coat or a baby blanket, household and cooking equipment, toys, school supplies, and even furniture and appliances.

What people may not have known is that Theresa also organized the distribution of these necessities to communities outside of Yellowknife, spreading her compassion throughout the Northwest Territories. Countless people and families have been helped through the hard times by Theresa’s smile and willing hands.

Theresa Reid served for decades as the vice-president of the St. Patrick’s Parish Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. To her parish council colleagues and St. Pat’s parishioners, Theresa was the anchor for many charitable and spiritual events and activities. Her dear friend Barb MacDonald described her as the organizer to depend upon as “the base or foundation of an activity.”

Theresa Trepanier came to the NWT as a member of the Roman Catholic sisterhood. She married Bill Reid in 1965 and the couple raised their three children, Danny, Dennis and David, who continue to live in Yellowknife with Theresa’s five grandchildren. Bill and Theresa were to have celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary this year.

Theresa Reid lived her life demonstrating how to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. She leaves a great legacy of public service and is a model to us all of how one person can make an enormous difference one act of kindness at a time.

I invite all to join with me in honouring the passing of Theresa Reid, expressing our thanks, and offering our heartfelt condolences to her family and community. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.