Debates of October 14, 2010 (day 16)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise again today to continue to raise the issue of lack of legislative guidance to regulate the usage of cell phones while people are operating vehicles. What continues to be clear is, first, this problem is not a fad. Secondly, other responsible governments across this country continue to mount active campaigns through legislation to address this problem.

I’ve been asked by many, how long does personal lifestyle continue to trump the real concerns of public safety? We must patiently await the Minister of Transportation to answer that question, the question and call for action.

Sadly, over this past summer more people have joined the list of those who have lost their lives to distracted driving. Countless others, including myself, have witnessed near misses and amazing feats, as I have personally watched people pay more attention to their handhelds than to the road. Whether driving around a corner and almost hitting someone or running through a red light, what is clear is that one day their luck will either run out on themselves, the driver, or certainly the innocent victim or victims.

No law will ever completely solve the lack of or, rather, instil common sense. But what a law would do is mandate a legal responsibility where personal responsibility continues to be a matter only for a few.

I have never been an advocate for needless or even extra laws to impinge on the everyday liberties of good democratic citizens in a normal republic, but there comes a time that if common sense won’t prevail, government does have a role. To date, as I understand it, our government has been musing with this concept of finally dealing with this issue of distracted driving through a law. However, I’d rather describe it as saying our government has been flirting with their responsibility and still yet refuses to commit. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay.