Debates of October 18, 2007 (day 1)


Motion 1-16(1): Election Of Speaker, Carried

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. I moved, seconded by the honourable Member for Nunakput, that the Hon. Paul Delorey of the electoral district of Hay River North take the chair of this House as Speaker.

Speaker: Mr. Mercer

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Are there any additional motions for appointment of Speaker of the House? Seeing none, I would now request the mover and the seconder of the motion to escort the Speaker to the chair. Mr. Speaker, are you willing to be escorted to the chair?

Yes, I am, Mr. Chairman.


Speaker's Opening Comments


Please be seated. Thank you for that wonderful rendition of our National Anthem.

Monsieur le president, messieurs et Mesdames les deputes, Mesdames et messieurs, et amis.

It is once again a pleasure and honour for me to be in your presence and I am pleased to welcome you to the First Session of the 16th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories.

Before I begin, I would like to take a moment to offer sincere condolences to the family and friends of RCMP Constable Christopher Worden on behalf of all people of the Northwest Territories.

There is a special bond between the people of the NWT and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The force had its origins in the North-West Mounted Police, created in 1873, to police what was then a much larger Northwest Territories.

Since that time, members of what is now the RCMP have served the people of the NWT with bravery, dedication and distinction. While the geographical boundaries of the NWT have changed since 1873, the RCMP force’s commitment to public service have never wavered. That tradition carried on in Constable Worden, who served most of his career among us.

The tragic loss of Constable Worden on October 6th in Hay River has touched all citizens of the Northwest Territories and we grieve his loss.

Now I would like to offer my congratulations to the returning Members, three of whom were acclaimed, and to the newly elected Members.

I would also like to welcome the guests in the public gallery today and those who are watching these proceedings on television.

I would like to congratulate Paul Delorey on his acclamation as Speaker. The Members of this Assembly will be well served by the good judgement and experience you bring to this vital position. I have held that position myself and know that it is sometimes very challenging and also very rewarding and enjoyable. I wish you the best and have every confidence you will be successful as you return in your role as Speaker.

Each of the Members of this Assembly has the responsibility to represent their constituents and to ensure that our government does its best to serve all the people of the Northwest Territories.

We are very fortunate to see today the results of a democratic election to choose our own MLAs. It is only very recently that residents of the NWT have been able to choose people from among themselves to govern the NWT. This would not have happened even two generations ago, because the Government of Canada selected people to sit on the “Council of the Northwest Territories." These federal appointees lived in the South and most of them rarely visited the North and could not possibly get to know our people.

When the government was first moved to the NWT a mere 40 years ago, the people of the NWT did not have the opportunity to vote for all its leaders.

It was 1975 before northerners elected all the Members of the NWT Council. Even then, federal appointees were still in the majority on the Executive Committee, the body that eventually became today’s Cabinet.

Elected Members did not hold a majority on the Executive Committee until 1979. It was 1986 before the elected Government Leader took over the chair, and representatives chosen by residents in open elections became responsible for governing on behalf of the people of the NWT.

Our style of government -- consensus government -- is widely admired for its uniqueness and workability. Residents of the NWT inherited consensus government in part from our aboriginal traditions that allowed many people to have a voice in making important decisions, ensuring the government will work cooperatively for the benefit of all NWT peoples.

Members of this House will face many challenges during their four-year term. My good wishes are extended to all Members and I am confident that all of you will serve the people of the Northwest Territories to the very best of your abilities.

Mr. Speaker, before declaring open this First Session of the 16th Legislative Assembly, I would like to invite all Members and visitors in the gallery to a reception in the Great Hall when the House adjourns and I invite everyone to stay for the swearing in of the Executive Council at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon.

As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I am proud to declare open the First Session of the 16th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories. Thank you, merci, quanami, mahsi cho.

Member's Statement On Appreciation To Mackenzie Delta Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Mackenzie Delta for electing me for a fourth term in office. Also, I would like to take this time to recognize the other candidates who also ran in this election: Mary Clark and Donny Robert. I would like to encourage them to continue on and pursue public office in other upcoming elections.

Mr. Speaker, I would also like to take this time to recognize our community leaders, frontline workers and community organizations. We all have to work together to improve the lives of our residents. Mr. Speaker, I would also like to take this time to recognize the importance of serving in public office, as I have served in this House for 12 years and I will continue to serve the next four years to do the best job that I can for residents of Mackenzie Delta and the Northwest Territories and to make this the best place to be.

Mr. Speaker, I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the people in Aklavik, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic for coming out and practising our public service by way of taking elections in our communities.

Again, Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this time to also congratulate yourself as Speaker, the Premier-elect, Mr. Roland, and all the Cabinet Ministers, also my colleagues, the other MLAs in the House. But, Mr. Speaker, I would like to also encourage us to continue on for the best interests of the people of the Northwest Territories over the next four years and ensure that we never forget that we are here to serve the people of the Northwest Territories, the residents, and make the Northwest Territories a better place for all of us to live. With that, Mr. Speaker, mahsi cho.


Member's Statement On Tragic Loss Of RCMP Constable Christopher Worden

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on the Saturday of the past Thanksgiving weekend, Hay River residents awoke to the news of a tragic loss to our community: the death of one of our respected RCMP members, Constable Christopher Worden. As the details came to be known, Hay River residents grieved and looked for ways to express their sorrow, support and condolences. Today I would like to take this opportunity in the House to extend my deepest sympathies to Constable Worden's widow, Jodie, and his baby daughter, Alexis, his family and members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police across this country and particularly Constable Worden's colleagues of "G" Division.

We appreciate so much the dedication and commitment of RCMP members who choose to serve and protect our communities here in the North. This past Monday, a full regimental funeral was held in Constable Worden's hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. I would like to thank our retiring Premier, Joe Handley, and Justice Minister, Brendan Bell, for attending that funeral on our behalf in Ottawa. I know that the loss of Constable Worden will be remembered and he will be honoured in our memories for many, many years. A memorial service will also take place in Hay River when members of our community and those who will join us will take the opportunity to pay our respects to the memory of a very, very fine young man: Christopher John Worden. May he rest in peace. Thank you.

Member's Statement On Appreciation To Deh Cho Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to welcome all our visitors and all the constituents that are here from the Deh Cho and the community leaders that have joined us.

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the people in the Deh Cho for giving me the strong showing of support during this past election, this campaign period. I think all Members that have been acclaimed at one time or another will agree that being acclaimed is a lot easier than campaigning, and I certainly appreciate all the people that supported me.

I also wanted to thank all the people from the Hay River Reserve, Enterprise, Kakisa and Fort Providence that have called me over the last few days offering their support and congratulations. I certainly appreciate it. We had a class come in from Fort Providence to take part in the swearing in. The adult education class came in. I was very happy to see them and I was very glad that they came.

I also want to thank the Members that supported me for being re-elected into Cabinet. I want to thank, also, all the Members that put their name forward for a seat in Cabinet. You had a very strong contingent seeking seats in Cabinet. Unfortunately, there's only six seats and I think any one of the Members that put their name forward could have done a good job. All came with really strong credentials.

Mr. Speaker, I also wanted to inform Members and people across the North that I continue to have an open door policy. I like to have good, strong communication links with the communities, with the Members and people in my riding, and that includes you, Mr. Speaker. I certainly will do everything in my power to support you.

Eight years ago I ran for the position of MLA. I wanted to see a better quality of life in our communities for our children, and that's a goal I'll continue to work towards. I also want to work harder to improve the lines of communication with the communities I represent, and I intend to go into all the communities in the next little while, starting with Kakisa next week. I really need to have that communication and stay in touch with my constituents.

I wanted to also take this opportunity to thank some of the former Members that are not coming back. I really appreciated working with Premier Joe Handley, Brendan Bell, Charles Dent and Bill Braden. I want to wish them luck on their endeavours.

I also wanted to say thank you to my family.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. McLeod, your time for your Member's statement has expired.

Mr. Speaker, I'd like to request consent to conclude my statement.

Member's Statement On Appreciation To Nunakput Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, first of all, I'd like to mention it's an honour and a privilege for me to be here today as Member of Nunakput. I'd like to thank the people of Nunakput for the overwhelming support I had, to let them know I'll be doing my best to fight for the issues that are important to all of them and to be their representative in the House.

Mr. Speaker, I'd like to congratulate you on being elected as the Speaker of the House. I'd like to congratulate Premier Roland on being selected leader of the government of the next four years. I have known Mr. Roland most of my life. He's a hard worker, a great family man, a man of integrity. I look forward to doing my part in working with him on behalf of my constituents in Nunakput and for the people in the Northwest Territories. I'd also like to congratulate all the newly appointed Cabinet Ministers later on this afternoon. After all that we've been through this past week, the next four years should be easy.


I will look forward to holding all your collective feet to the fire in my job.

Mr. Speaker, I'm here today because a lot of people have encouraged me and helped along the way. First of all, I'd like to thank my wife, Jenny, who has been behind me all through the campaign trail. I'd like to thank my children -- four of them are in the gallery today with their mother -- for myself being away for the last six weeks. I'd also like to thank my mom, Georgina, who is here today. She also worked really hard on the campaign, taking care of the most important issue: making sure I was eating well.


There are many more residents and community leaders and the youth who are a part of my team and continue to guide my job as the MLA. There are too many names to mention to take the opportunity to thank them all. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Thebacha Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you to all the folks that are here today and those that are watching on TV. I, as well, would just like to take a few brief seconds to thank the constituents of Thebacha: the many that supported me in the election; the many that worked for me in my campaign; to Denise Yuhas, who was my official agent for the fourth time, the best in the business; and to my family, some of which are here as well in the gallery today. I am very grateful for this honour of a fourth mandate to come back to this House, this House of the people, the House that consensus government built. I'd like to thank my colleagues and congratulate them, as well, on either their election or re-election. I must say that I am truly grateful that the campaign now is finally over and that after today we'll all be able to get down to work for the people of the Northwest Territories. Thank you.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Inuvik Twin Lakes Constituents And Supporters

Speaker: MR. MCLEOD

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, running for public office is not an easy thing to do and it’s something that I’m sure all of you in here put a great deal of thought into it. I think you’ll find that when you talk to most people that run for public office, it’s not as hard on them as it is on their family. With that, I have to thank my wife, Judy, for her continued support.

I have to thank the people who worked hard on my campaign. Three years ago I ran in the by-election and I had a few people jump on board and support me throughout the by-election, and more so in this recent election that we just went through. I have to admire their loyalty and their belief in me.

I don’t intend to let them down, Mr. Speaker. I will be down here. I’ve told the people in Inuvik that I will be down here pounding the table, bringing their issues forward. It’s a personal sacrifice that we and our families make and it’s a sacrifice in more ways than one to be on this side pounding the table, making sure our issues are brought to the forefront.

I want to congratulate you, Mr. Speaker, in your selection and I’m sure today, being the first day of session, you’re going to cut us a little slack. I’d also like to congratulate Mr. Roland on his election as Premier. The Cabinet Ministers, I’d like to congratulate you on your appointments to Cabinet later on this afternoon. My Social Programs colleagues, I’ll be holding the fort on this side of the House for you.

This is a big day, Mr. Speaker, for the Members of Cabinet. They’re all being sworn in later on today. I thought it was best that we just do the thank you today. After today, you will be sworn in, and starting tomorrow we’re going to be all over you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Members' statements. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wanted to, first of all, thank my family back in Tulita and the people and my family members in the Sahtu region for supporting me. Mr. Speaker, without them, we say our family is so important to our life, more so in the job that we do today as MLAs, as Ministers, as Members of the Legislative Assembly. My family members are there at the end of the day.

I want to also thank my friends and thank my ready campaign team, which we had a break from the campaign thanks to the gift of the Sahtu people for acclaiming me as their representative in this Assembly. I really say it’s a gift and I really want to thank the elders who spoke for me in my term as an MLA. I thank the people from the bottom of my heart to be given an opportunity at that time to take some time because of this work that we do -- a lot of time is spent away from our families -- and to really have the opportunity to go into the bush and spend some time with my family, take my little boy and my wife and go in the mountains and do some hunting up there for them. I really appreciate that as a gift from my people in the Sahtu region.

Mr. Speaker, I said the elders are the key to my representing the people in the Sahtu and the one person that I really, really regretted yesterday, in terms of the work that went on yesterday, was my mother. I wanted to really see or hear and to physically make that phone call and tell her that all her hard work and sacrifice that she did when we were young, that she could be thanked from the bottom of my heart. I said a prayer last night: I thank Mom wherever you are for guiding me and for persevering in her discipline to us in terms of getting the best in life. You have to work hard on that.

Mr. Speaker, for that, I want to say to all the young people in the Sahtu region and the people in the Northwest Territories: Dream big; dream the dream that you want to be in life because it could happen with hard work, education, hard, good values to live by. I want to say that, Mr. Speaker. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Kam Lake Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and other visitors that we have in the gallery with us today. I’d like to begin my statement today by congratulating you, Mr. Delorey, on once again becoming the Speaker of our Legislative Assembly. I’ve a great deal of respect and admiration for you, Mr. Speaker, and I wish you well in your role.

To our new Premier, Mr. Roland, I offer my congratulations. In addition to our new Premier, I’d also like to congratulate our new Cabinet: Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Bob McLeod, Mr. Michael McLeod, Mr. Miltenberger, and Ms. Lee. Good luck and best wishes on your selection to our Executive Council.

I want to thank the constituents of Kam Lake for re-electing me to a second term in office. I will be forever grateful to you for giving me the honour and the privilege to again represent you and your families in this Legislative Assembly.

I’d also like to thank my opponent, Mr. Brad Enge, for challenging me in the riding of Kam Lake. I feel it’s always important to earn a job.

Mr. Speaker, with 81 percent of the vote, I come into this Assembly in my role as MLA for Kam Lake with a tremendous endorsement from my constituents.

I’d also like to thank my family: my wife, Amanda, for being the strong person that she is; my mother and father, Frank and Peggy, for coming from New Brunswick to spend the last week of the election campaign with me; and also my mother and father-in-law, Cathy and Xavier Fabien, and my official agent, Mr. Brad Anstey, and all of my campaign supporters and contributors.

Mr. Speaker, as my family and supporters from across the territory know, I was hoping to be selected to Cabinet yesterday during the Territorial Leadership Committee. Mr. Speaker, I’d equate the TLC process we have here to something akin to Survivor. Sometimes in life and politics, things are not always as they might appear and yesterday was a good example of that for me. I just want to say again to my supporters and those of you who know who Dave Ramsay is, that I’m not going to give up, I won’t back down, and I won’t go away. I will continue to pursue the interests of my constituents and the residents of this territory to the best of my ability as a Regular Member of this Legislative Assembly. Mr. Speaker, it’s a role that I relish and I certainly am looking forward to. Mahsi.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Weledeh Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to begin with congratulations to you, Mr. Speaker, and to our new Premier and Cabinet-about-to-be for their selections to these key leadership positions. I know that these responsibilities are not lightly earned and it is clear that they bring many skills; you bring many skills and much experience and knowledge to these jobs.

I am highly honoured to be representing and working on behalf of the people and interests of Weledeh in the Northwest Territories. I thank the voters and have pledged my dedication to them. I express appreciation to all those who contributed to the Weledeh election campaign by putting their names forward to run for election. I know much better now how much of a contribution to our society and our democracy this represents.

I thank my family, in particular my wife, Marianne, who kept me healthy and sane, as she promised she would. To my mother, Barb Bromley, who participated in many ways; to my sister, Maxine Avery; my brother, Chris Bromley, and his wife, Cleo; and all the other members of my family, my nephews and nieces and brothers and so on, all of whom reside in Weledeh.

Mr. Speaker, I’m humbled by the amazing support, skills, time and contributions that I received from my campaign team. I recognize that they gave up considerable time from family and personal lives, from our fall harvesting season, and time from their working lives for my campaign.

Weledeh has an incredible diversity of cultures. I would particularly like to thank my translators: Mary Rose Sundberg, Mary Rose Dryneck, Bernadette Martin, France Benoit, Batiste Foisy, and Louis Azzolini. Through their good work, my Weledeh campaign served to build community and relationships using local skills and local resources. Many local businesses participated. Even our buttons were manufactured by a budding entrepreneur in Weledeh. Events in the riding featured local food, like white fish, and local entertainment by skilled musicians. This was a wee demonstration of sustainable living.

In closing, I’m looking very much forward to working with all Members of this House. Thank you.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Nahendeh Constituents And Supporters

Mr. Speaker…(English not provided)

Mr. Speaker, I’m very proud to be the choice for my riding, Nahendeh, once again, and I wish to thank my constituents for their confidence and giving me the honour and privilege of serving once again. There are many roles that we can serve in our Assembly, but above all we serve our constituents to make a difference to their lives and to make a difference to our communities.

Before I really get to work, Mr. Speaker, I want to use this time to be grateful. I would like to, first of all, thank my campaign team, my campaign manager back home in Fort Simpson and a big thanks to Mr. Sean Welly. I also thank my children and my family and supporters for their help; as well, to the Nahanni Inn gang, Mr. Speaker, that provided many hours of strategy and planning advice. At the same time I do wish to thank the rest of the candidates, the MLA candidates that ran with me: Mr. Bob Hanna, Mr. Arnold Hope and Ms. Keyna Norwegian. It provided an opportunity for me to get another mandate and, I’m very happy, a resounding mandate. Without that opportunity to have the people participate in our great democratic process…I’m really grateful for that, Mr. Speaker.

As well, too, I, along with many colleagues here, did stand my name forward to be a Minister once again in our government and that did not happen, but I’m very happy just to be here and serve and represent the people once again, Mr. Speaker. Mahsi cho.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Great Slave Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thanks to everybody in the gallery for being here today. Mr. Speaker, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents for their confidence in me. One of my goals both during and prior to the campaign was to listen to the people of the Great Slave riding and the North to learn what issues were important to them. I am now excited to move forward and work with the Members of this House on these very important issues and in the best interests of all people of the Northwest Territories. I’d also like to thank the people who helped me with my campaign for MLA, in particular Jacqueline McKinnon; Trudy Samuel; my sister, Susan Abernethy; my parents, Dick and Loretta Abernethy; Bernie Bauhaus, who was my official agent; and, last but not least, Kathryn Carriere.

I’d also like to acknowledge the other candidates of the Great Slave riding: Mr. Mark Bogan, Chris Hunt, Beaton MacKenzie and Doug Ritchie. They are all very passionate about the NWT and I hope that they continue to be involved in both the community and the North.

In closing, I want to send a message to the new Premier, to the Ministers, to the Speaker and to all Members of the Legislative Assembly: I’m really looking forward to getting to work with all of you and I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work, knowing full well that getting elected was just the beginning. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Yellowknife South Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I, too, congratulate you on your acclamation as Speaker. I also congratulate all the new and returning Members. I congratulate Premier-elect Roland and the other Members of Cabinet. I thank the Members who voted for me.

I am very honoured to be here in the Legislative Assembly as the elected representative for Yellowknife South. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my constituents who put their trust in me. I especially want to thank my wife, Melody; my son, Warren; and his wife, Shannon; and my two grandsons, my two wonderful grandsons, Carter and Cooper, for their unconditional love and support. To my friends and all the hardworking volunteers, supporters and advisors, they put a lot of effort into my campaign. Thank you for your hard work and for believing in me. I especially want to thank my campaign manager, Darrell Bohnet, and official agent, Sue Heron-Herbert. I also express gratitude for the unsuccessful candidates who had the courage and strength to pursue a seat of this riding.

Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the constituents of Yellowknife South, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Brendan Bell for two terms of service as elected MLA. I also thank the Legislative Assembly team for welcoming us and making us feel at home. Thanks again to the constituents of Yellowknife South. I will serve you to the best of my abilities.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Yellowknife Centre Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’d first like to say thank you to Yellowknife Centre. It’s a privilege and an honour to return to the riding as their representative. It was an honour enough to be elected once, but twice is quite a privilege, Mr. Speaker, as you know yourself. They have given me a mandate and I appreciate all the support given to me. The volunteers out there, it was quite inspiring to see how many we had come forward. I want to thank them especially because they gave up, as Mr. Bromley had pointed out, they gave up personal time, family time, sometimes even mealtime to make sure that they can get your work and your issues out there. So to them I say a special thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I’d like to start, although I have a lot of names I’d like to thank and, at the risk of missing a few, I do want to mention a number of special names that have helped considerably in my campaign. First to my wife, Susan. Without her blessing, there would have been no campaign. My two sons, McKinley and Hudson. Sometimes seeing me meant they had to come down to the campaign office and spend time with me there. To my parents, Terry and Kim. My dad put a lot of hours in in the evening to make sure the office was open just in case anybody came by, and there were and it was pretty exciting. They were huge supporters. Some very special people I wanted to highlight quickly: Mr. Ed Jeske, Ajjie Shaw, Jim Cheyne, Kathryn Youngblut, Zelma McCormick, thank you for your advice, your time, your ear. Cito Domingo, Chris Domingo; Mr. Domingo, thank you for going through my stuff, and to his wife, Chris Domingo, thank you as she often provided us cupcakes and it was quite nice. To Ruben Silverio, Larry and Hermie Pineda, Harley Crowe, Helen Kronstal, your friendship is touching and will always be appreciated. To John and Deb Simpson, your advice and encouragement is always wonderful. To Tina and Willie Rivera, Tim and Minda Hernandez, thank you for your friendship. Leanne and Luc at the Filipino store, thank you for making sure there was spring rolls always there for us. To Daryl and Cindy Dolynny, Jeff Corradetti and Coady Summerfield and Kristen Jenkins, thank you very much for your hard work.

Mr. Speaker, I’m going to close by saying thank you to the other three candidates in the riding. It was a spirited campaign and, as mentioned by Mr. Ramsay, it’s good to give the voters a choice. It was an excellent campaign and I want to thank them for the spirited opportunity. But to close with one comment, I’d like to thank everyone for their help. I will continue to work as hard as possible. I will continue to work as hard as ever to be known as a constituent MLA who works for everyone’s needs. Thank you for your time and thank you for your blessing. Thank you.


Member’s Statement On Appreciation To Tu Nedhe Constituents And Supporters

Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. (English not provided)

I’d also like to thank all the people in both communities that supported me. In Fort Resolution we had a great team. My campaign manager was Warren Delorme. Today I still work with Warren and his wife, Velma. I had a tremendous amount of support in Fort Resolution, as over 240 of the 290 people that went out to vote in Resolution voted for me. The support I received after being away from the community for so long shows that once you're from Fort Resolution, you're always from Fort Resolution.

On a sad note, five people either from Fort Resolution or originated in Fort Resolution passed away during the two months that I was campaigning in Fort Resolution and Lutselk'e. Their names are Jane Hollands, Elsie Calumet, Gabe Mandeville, George Sayine and Rick Green.

I look forward to working with both Lutselk'e and Fort Resolution over the next four years. I'll be travelling into Fort Resolution next week to host a feast and I will be doing the same in Lutselk'e as soon as I can make arrangements.

My number one priority will continue to be to improve the lives of the youth in Fort Resolution and Lutselk'e.

I'd also like to thank my family for all their support and understanding during the campaign. Thank you.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Monfwi Constituents And Supporters

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. (English not provided)

Mr. Speaker, I would just like to first thank my wife, Dianne, my five beautiful children, Jayde, Cheyenne, Sahara, Denae and Ty for supporting me all these years as their father, their husband, and also my Tlicho constituents and family members who voted me for another term.

I'd just like to thank you, Mr. Speaker, and also thank you to the Premier, Cabinet, the Members. If we can have positive working relations, as I've highlighted in my summary in the Tlicho language, I'm looking forward to working with all of you here. Mahsi.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Frame Lake Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to take this opportunity, as well, to thank the constituents of Frame Lake who voted for me and put me into this particular office. I'd also like to give thanks to the other candidates, Mr. Jeff Groenewegen and Mr. Chris Johnston, who ran against me in opposition. As has been stated, they gave up much for the months of August and September in order to run for election. I need to thank, as well, all those who assisted me with my campaign: my campaign coordinator, my official agent, all the volunteers who assisted with the campaign and, in particular, my team of advisors.

I have to give special note to an import, a dear friend of mine who came north for one month to assist me with the campaign and proved to be absolutely invaluable. Without Marg Hall I doubt if I would have been successful.

Last but not least, I need to thank my family. In the North, me being an import, I am from away but not from Newfoundland. In the North, your friends tend to become your family and I need to thank those of my northern family who were totally supportive of me in my campaign.

The election results in Frame Lake were more than I'd hoped for and I feel very honoured to have such confidence shown in me. At the risk of being repetitive, I need to extend congratulations to you, Mr. Speaker, to the Premier, and to the members of the Executive Council who have been recently elected, and I look forward to working with all of you for the betterment of the Northwest Territories.

On the occasion of the opening of this 16th Legislative Assembly, it's such a privilege for me to be here. The Premier mentioned yesterday that it's a humbling experience and I agree totally. This wonderful institution and this building, as I enter it daily, I still am in awe and I find it very hard to believe that when I walk in here, I'm walking to work, I am coming to my office.

This is a new challenge for me. I'm excited for it; I'm looking forward to it. I look at the Members assembled in this House and I see great opportunity. I think that we can do good; I think that we can achieve results; and I think if we work together, it will be for the betterment of the NWT and all of our residents. Thank you.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Range Lake Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to take, also, a few minutes to say a few thanks. I'd like to thank the constituents of Range Lake for sending me back to the Legislature for the third time with another strong mandate. I want them to know that I will continue to work hard to be their voice and to represent their issues and concerns in this House. It's such a great honour and privilege to serve them as a Member. This is a time in my life I'm certain that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Mr. Speaker, I'd also like to express my appreciation to the Members of this House for giving me their confidence and trust to serve them and the people of the Northwest Territories in the Executive Council. I pledge to them that I will continue to work hard, and work hard with them, to get the job done for the people of the Northwest Territories.

As many Members have stated already, none of us could be here without our family and supporters. I'd like to thank all of them for their support. In particular, I'd like to recognize my sister, Kathy Kim, who left 20 years ago but came back for two weeks to help me out and to find out what it is that I was all mad about. I don't think I convinced her to run for office, but I want to thank her. I want to also recognize my former assistant, who was my campaign manager, Cathy Olson, who is watching us through the web camera, I understand, and I'd like to recognize my official agent, Abe Theil.

I look forward to working with you for the next four years. I think we can get a lot done together. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement On Appreciation To Inuvik Boot Lake Constituents And Supporters

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I, too, along with the Members of this Assembly, congratulate you and look forward to working with you as the Speaker of the 16th Legislative Assembly; as well, for the Members, for your support for putting me into this position. It's going to take the work of all of us to make the lives better for the people of the Northwest Territories. We're going to face many challenges, but I believe, in working together, we can build and strengthen this place we call home: the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, we heard about the sacrifice Members make in coming into this forum and working around this office as stated, and the challenges our families will face as we take and hold office in this Assembly. Mr. Speaker, I found in the other times as I put my name forward for Member for Inuvik and then Inuvik Boot Lake, I always talked with my family and my wife to first get her permission to put my name forward, and she has always supported me and realized the sacrifice that we would make together as a family. So I have to thank her for agreeing to let me run for the 16th Legislative Assembly. As well, my children. A number of them were born before I became a Member and the two younger children have only known me to be a Member of the Legislative Assembly. So to them it's old business, old hat and we'll get back down to business. They just ask if I can still be a Minister.

I'm honoured, Mr. Speaker, the fact that the people of Inuvik Boot Lake would send me back down to represent them as a Member of the 16th Legislative Assembly through the acclamation that they returned me back by. So I'm honoured that they have once again supported me in that manner in my second time as a Member of the Legislative Assembly. Again, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the people of Inuvik Boot Lake and the community of Inuvik for supporting me once again in the manner they did. I will do my best to represent them, along with my colleague Mr. Robert McLeod, to ensure that we have fair representation in the Legislative Assembly. I have to also thank my colleague from Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Robert McLeod, for his support and encouragement for stepping forward. Thank you very much.



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize Mr. Ed Jeske, Rosann Parpyka and Vivian Squires in the gallery, as well as I did notice coming in: Phila Phyten, Don Cooper, deputy minister of Justice, Justice Vertes and Brad Enge, all constituents of mine. I would like to say welcome to everyone. Thank you.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, Mr. Beaulieu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize some constituents of mine and family. Angus and Dorothy Beaulieu, Ellen and Emerence Cardinal, Mr. Robert Sayine and Mr. Phillip “Peppy” Beaulieu.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay. No? The honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. McLeod.