Debates of October 2, 2008 (day 35)


We’ll move along to page 12, Education, Culture and Employment, Capital Investment Expenditures, Education and Culture, Not Previously Authorized: negative $10.272 million.

Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Capital Investment Expenditures, Education and Culture, Not Previously Authorized: negative $10.272 million, approved.

Advanced Education and Careers, Not Previously Authorized, $3.75 million.

Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Capital Investment Expenditures, Advanced Education and Careers, Not Previously Authorized: $3.75 million, approved.

Total Department, Not Previously Authorized, negative $6.522 million.

Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Capital Investment Expenditures, Total Department, Not Previously Authorized: negative $6.522 million, approved.

We’ll move on to page 13, Transportation. Minister Miltenberger, during your opening comments you indicated that you might want to bring in an additional witness.

Does the committee agree to allow us to have one more witness in?


I’ll now ask the Sergeant-at-Arms to escort the additional witness into the Chamber.

Minister Miltenberger, can I please get you to introduce your witness.

Mr. Chairman, I have with me, in addition to Ms. Melhorn, Mr. Russ Neudorf, the deputy minister of Transportation.

We’re on page 13. Mr. Beaulieu.

I actually had one question on page 12. I’m okay with asking him. I’m pretty sure that the Minister will be able to answer the question without the other witness. It shouldn’t be a problem.

Go ahead, Mr. Beaulieu.

On the negative supps for Education and Culture for $10.272 million I’m assuming that that is going to be treated like the other negative supps and returned back in ’09–10, that same amount, and then the positive supp of $3.750 million on careers, which leaves a net balance of $6.552 million. I was wondering how that’s handled. Considering the whole page, it looks like a negative supp, but if $10 million is going to be put back in, this is an actual supplementary appropriation of $3.75 million. I was just wondering if I could get a brief explanation on that accounting function that’s going to occur — or whatever way the Minister wishes to describe it, I suppose.

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Before we move forward and get a response to that question, I just want to confirm with committee that we’re okay to move back to page 12, Education, Culture and Employment. Does the committee agree?


Minister Miltenberger.

Mr. Chairman, there’s a line just below the $10.272 million negative supp that indicates that these projects will be put back into the budget for next year. The $3.75 million is part of the money for the $9.4 million that’s being advanced to free up funds to start projects that are considered important, in this case the demolition and site remediation of the Aurora College campus.

Thank you, Minister Miltenberger. Mr. Beaulieu?


Thank you. We’ll just do that item one more time. We’re under Education, Culture and Employment, page 12, Capital Investment Expenditures, Education And Culture, Not Previously Authorized: negative $10.272 million.

Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Capital Investment Expenditures, Education and Culture, Not Previously Authorized: negative $10.272 million, approved.

We’ll return to page 13, Transportation, Capital Investment Expenditures, Airports, Not Previously Authorized: negative $7.56 million. Mr. Jacobson.

Mr. Chair, we’re on page 13, correct? Okay.

In regard to the airport Combined Services Building for Yellowknife, $7 million, are we paying for that whole building as a total of the $20 million?

Speaker: Mr. Neudorf

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The total $20.7 million project is funded in part by the GNWT and in part by the federal government under the Building Canada Plan. The funding is about 50-50 for that particular project.

So the 50-50.... The territorial government will be putting monies towards the project, correct?

Speaker: Mr. Neudorf

That is correct.

That’s what I wanted there. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. We’re still on page 13, Transportation, Capital Investment Expenditures, Airports, Not Previously Authorized: negative $7.56 million.

Department of Transportation, Capital Investment Expenditures, Airports, Not Previously Authorized: negative $7.56 million, approved.

Highways, Not Previously Authorized: negative $26.355 million.

Department of Transportation, Capital Investment Expenditures, Highways, Not Previously Authorized: negative $26.355 million, approved.

Total Department, Not Previously Authorized, negative $33.915 million.

Department of Transportation, Capital Investment Expenditures, Total Department, Not Previously Authorized: negative $33.915 million, approved.

Now that we’ve completed those details, committee, we’ll turn back to our totals on pages 1 and 2.

On page 1, 2008–2009 Supplementary Appropriation No. 2, Summary of Appropriations, Schedule 1, Operations Expenditures, Operations Expenditures Appropriation: $11.617 million.

Summary of Appropriations, Schedule 1, Operations Expenditures, Operations Expenditures Appropriation: $11.617 million, approved.

We’re on page 2, Schedule 2, Capital Investment Expenditures, Capital Investment Expenditures Appropriation: negative $43.329 million.

Summary of Appropriations, Schedule 2, Capital Investment Expenditures, Capital Investment Expenditures Appropriation: negative $43.329 million, approved.

Total Appropriation: negative $31.712 million.

Summary of Appropriations, Schedule 2, Capital Investment Expenditures, Total Appropriation: negative $31.712 million, approved.

Does the committee agree that we have concluded consideration of Tabled Document 75-16(2), Supplementary Appropriation No. 2, 2008–2009?


Minister Miltenberger.

Committee Motion 78-16(2): Concurrence of TD 75-16(2) Supplementary Appropriation No. 2, 2008–2009 (Committee Motion Carried)

I move that consideration of Tabled Document 75-16(2), Supplementary Appropriation Act No. 2, 2008–2009, be now concluded and that Tabled Document 75-16(2) be reported and recommended as ready for further consideration in formal session in the form of an appropriation bill.

The motion is being circulated. The motion is in order. To the motion.


The question has been called.

Committee Motion carried.

I’d like to thank the witnesses for coming in today. Thank you very much.

We’ve concluded Tabled Document 75-16(2). What is the wish of the committee? Mr. Bromley.

Mr. Chair, I move that we rise and report progress.

The motion is on the floor to report progress. The motion is in order. It is non-debatable.


The question has been called.

Motion carried.

Report of Committee of the Whole

Speaker: Mr. Speaker

Can I have the report of Committee of the Whole, please, Mr. Abernethy.

Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Tabled Document 75-16(2), Supplementary Appropriation No. 2, 2008–2009, and would like to report that consideration of Tabled Document 75-16(2) is concluded, that the House concurred in those estimates and that an appropriation bill to be based thereon be introduced without delay.

Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Committee of the Whole be concurred with.

Speaker: Mr. Speaker

Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. The motion is on the floor. Do we have a seconder? The honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. McLeod.

Motion carried.

Orders of the Day