Debates of October 28, 2009 (day 9)



Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I would like to talk about the lack of adequate housing for teachers in Lutselk’e. This is a serious matter that could have many negative implications for the community.

Mr. Speaker, this is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed immediately. I first raised this issue in May of last year after meeting with the local district education authority in discussion with the South Slave Education Authority under which Lutselk’e falls. Both groups were experiencing frustration, because after raising the issue on numerous occasions with this government, they are not seeing enough action.

Also, Mr. Speaker, the NWT Teachers’ Association has been raising the issue of housing for teachers in smaller communities, again getting no action.

Mr. Speaker, at this time of the year in the school calendar, teachers are focussing on getting their assessments and report cards ready for parent/teacher interviews, but not some of these new teachers in Lutselk’e. They are more concerned about where they are going to live next month. Over the last few years, the community has been lucky to find suitable housing, but yet with former residents moving back to the community and existing housing needing major renovations, not as many places are available. This year with two new teachers hired in the community, there is definite need for immediate housing.

Mr. Speaker, the community should not have to be put into this kind of situation. We all know the important role teachers play in our communities and to the North. Mr. Speaker, in 2009, we should not be talking about this. With a situation like this in Lutselk’e, it is like we are failing the people of Lutselk’e.

This government has a responsibility to deliver a certain level of education to all its residents, and this has to include the provision of adequate housing for our teachers, especially in small communities, non-market communities like Lutselk’e.

Mr. Speaker, as stated before, the three main issues area availability, affordability and adequacy. For Lutselk’e, this is an urgent matter, so let’s act now before we lose teachers and let down the students and residents of Lutselk’e. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.