Debates of October 28, 2009 (day 9)



Mr. Speaker, I guess I am really unclear in terms of the Minister not supporting the aboriginal traditional medicine in terms of encouraging some people who would want to use this. I think it’s a view as to what is best for the people. I truly believe that what she is saying, this is the way to go; however, she hasn’t given enough evidence in terms of showing me that traditional medicine is next best to the vaccine shots that people are going to get. I guess I want to hear more encouraging words from the Minister in terms of saying to the aboriginal people and elders, yes, you can take your medicine and that’s something they would be free to do rather than try to scare them into taking the flu shots if they don’t want them.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, no one needs to take the vaccine if they don’t want to. What we are trying to do is give as much information as possible so that people will make informed choices.

Mr. Speaker, I am not saying that the traditional way of healing is not good. That is not what I am saying. What I am saying is I am not medically qualified to say that the traditional way of medication would fight this H1N1 virus.

Mr. Speaker, I think it is important for people to know that this is a new virus. Nobody is immune from this virus, because it is new. It has a behaviour that is surprising people. We are at the very beginning of this second wave. We don’t know where this flu will end up in four to five months from now. For all of the Ministers of Health in Canada and chief public health officers, in our opinion, looking at all of the data available, the best way to prevent major illness or death from H1N1 is to get the vaccine. That is not saying that you shouldn’t be taking any other precautions. If you like Echinacea, or if you have…I know the Member for Sahtu relies on traditional medicine. The juice that they give from the local trees, those are all good. Take that, but I am not qualified to say that that would fight the H1N1 virus. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.