Debates of October 29, 2009 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today my Member’s statement is on the project management and community centre construction in Sachs Harbour.

Sachs Harbour heard their funding was confirmed for the construction of the community centre. There was hope and optimism in the air. When the construction started and finished last December, the community was very excited. One year later it is problem after problem and the project keeps the doors closed for the community.

When the NWT fire marshal inspected the facility, he gave it a failing grade and he did not approve it for general public use. Last December the community centre was transferred to the Hamlet of Sachs Harbour, even though much more work was needed. Since then, the project has been stumbling along.

Mr. Speaker, Sachs Harbour is the most northern community in this Territory and experiences the most challenges when it comes to construction projects such as this, compounded by the hamlet office that is already overworked and overstretched. Every month that the facility is not being used, the community does not generate rental revenue to keep that centre open.

Mr. Speaker, in a small, remote community like Sachs Harbour, the community centre is a focal point. It’s where the people gather to share each other’s company, where they go to participate in workshops and forums, and a place where they go to celebrate and hold community feasts. The community is afraid that the longer the facility sits empty, the more expensive it will be to complete the final details of the construction.

The community is asking for a project manager to help in the coordination and operation of this facility during the final phases of construction so that it can be opened to the community for their Christmas celebrations. Therefore, I urge the government to seriously consider the request from the community of Sachs Harbour regarding this building. Mr. Speaker, I will have more questions for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.