Debates of October 29, 2009 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today my Member’s statement was on the community complex in Sachs Harbour. Mr. Speaker, is the Minister aware of the issues regarding the Sachs Harbour community complex?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Mr. Robert McLeod.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MACA is aware of the situation in Sachs Harbour regarding the capital project that they put together. There are some outstanding issues that the community has to deal with, working with the consultant and the contractor. My understanding is they’re starting to deal with those issues as we speak and, hopefully, we’ll have a positive resolution here for the Member soon. Thank you.

Can the Minister inform this House if MACA is monitoring the situation in Sachs Harbour?

Mr. Speaker, obviously, MACA has an interest in this, as this was done under the capital money that we advanced to the community. So we are monitoring the situation very closely. We’re hoping to see that some of the issues that are taken care of. There were some issues with not complying with the Fire Code and there were other issues that were identified by the office of the fire marshal. My understanding is they’re taking steps now to try and resolve some of these so Sachs Harbour can enjoy the use of their community complex. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, given that in the small, remote community of Sachs Harbour the community centre is a focal point, and given that on the last date of December the community centre was transferred to the Hamlet of Sachs Harbour even though much work was still needed, will this government commit to assisting the community of Sachs Harbour with the resources they need to complete the facility in time for the Christmas celebrations?

Mr. Speaker, this project was taken on by the community and they identified it as a priority. They funded the project themselves, using their capital infrastructure dollars that are provided by MACA. They are the project manager and they took care of all the arrangements, so they do have an idea of the issues that are affecting the opening of the community complex. My understanding is that they are taking steps to try to address some of these issues so they can have it opened fairly soon. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you. Your final supplementary, Mr. Jacobson.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s been 11 months to date. Can the Minister talk to the staff in the Inuvik region to assist the community to get this community complex completed before Christmas? That’s all I ask.

I will give direction to staff to work with the community of Sachs Harbour to assist them in trying to resolve some of the issues and see where they can improve. There’s still the issue of compliance with the Fire Code. Those have been identified and those need to be taken care of before they will issue a completion of this project. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.