Debates of October 6, 2008 (day 37)
Member’s Statement on Proposed Taxation Measures
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have listened to Members talk during the previous days about concerns of residents in the communities. I have attended many community meetings and listened to briefings about programs and services of the government. The Minister of Finance has released a discussion paper called Revenue Options. It is unlikely the residents of Ulukhaktok, Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk and Tuktoyaktuk will read this discussion paper.
The Minister of Finance held a round table discussion for two days last week in Yellowknife. I know that no one from any of my communities participated in this workshop. It is also unlikely that many of these community residents will send in their comments to the Minister.
So it seems to me we come from different situations as Northerners. Some people come from places of abundance and wealth; some people come from small northern communities where even a high income does not go very far. Having a good job in small communities does not guarantee that the government will actually deliver basic services.
Mr. Speaker, the residents in my communities expect me to convince government to not make it any more difficult to live in small communities. The Northerners in the communities expect me to convince the government that residents of small northern communities need help from this government.
I am talking about our hopes of basic services — to have a health centre with a nurse, roads of gravel, housing for teachers, safe drinking water. The incomes of our families are not high, Mr. Speaker. Our young men and women are not able to easily find high paying jobs. The cost of living in our communities is high. Our fuel costs are set by the Petroleum Products Division.
I don’t think the government is going to find a way to reduce the costs. I don’t think the Minister is going to find immigrants who want to move to Nunakput communities. If the economy grows in the communities, it will be because of the oil and gas industry, not because of something the GNWT does.
Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.
Unanimous consent granted.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, colleagues. We doubt that if the GNWT collects more money from its citizens any of the money will find its way to Nunakput communities. It seems to be the right time to ask, to let the Minister know what we think. We think we are not able to pay more taxes on our fuel, on our groceries, on our incomes. We think that would be very unfair. We need to take interest in our small communities to help us maintain our services and make it possible for families to live in northern communities.
Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.