Debates of October 7, 2008 (day 38)


Minister’s Statement 91-16(2) Government of the Northwest Territories Energy Priorities

Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time this afternoon, as the Chair of the Ministerial Energy Coordinating Committee, I will table this government’s Energy Priorities Framework.

This document outlines the priority actions that we need to undertake to address our short and long term energy needs. Our initiatives are presented in five key action areas as set out in the 2007 NWT Energy Plan:

energy conservation and efficiency;

alternative energy and emerging technologies;

energy development and supply;

energy policy and planning; and

reducing the Government of the Northwest Territories’ own energy use.

Heading into the winter season, NWT residents are facing higher costs for energy. The immediate and most effective response we have to addressing this challenge is to conserve and to improve the energy efficiency of our homes, businesses and public buildings.

Since the release of the NWT Energy Plan the GNWT has invested over $1 million, largely through the Arctic Energy Alliance, to ensure NWT residents have the tools and information they need to manage their energy use. We have also invested significantly in finding ways to cut our own energy costs and in putting alternative energy technologies in the hands of our residents and communities.

However, as a government, Mr. Speaker, our approach to high energy costs must be balanced between these types of short term actions and the development of long term solutions to our energy challenges. We must invest in ways to reduce our reliance on imported diesel and develop our own local energy sources.

For this reason the priorities framework that I am presenting today also outlines initiatives such as:

the development of our hydro potential;

expanding the use of biomass;

developing wind energy;

investigating our geothermal potential; and

pursuing the use of Northwest Territories natural gas to heat and power our communities.

The upcoming 2009–2010 business planning process will provide all Members an opportunity to discuss the potential for significant investments in these alternative energy sources.

In the coming weeks we will be releasing two additional documents for public discussion in support of our energy priorities framework. The draft NWT hydro strategy proposes a number of actions to support the long term development of our world class hydro potential, and a discussion paper on the review of electricity regulation, generation and distribution will engage residents and communities in a broad discussion on the principles upon which our electricity system is based.

Mr. Speaker, these documents are part of the broad and coordinated approach to meet the stated priorities of the 16th Legislative Assembly:

to pursue initiatives that will reduce the cost of living and, in particular, rising energy costs;

to work proactively with residents, communities and industry on means to address and mitigate climate change; and

to advance alternative energy initiatives.

I look forward to receiving the continued input of all Members of the Legislative Assembly on these initiatives and to working together to advance our government’s important work towards a sustainable energy future for all residents of the Northwest Territories.

Speaker: Mr. Speaker

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister of Finance, Mr. Miltenberger.