Debates of October 29, 2020 (day 45)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. Norn, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek

Thank you, Madam Chair. The Tlicho All-Season Road, and I was very happy to be able to take a drive on that 72 kilometre of 97, but we did come to the end of the bridge. We're expecting the work to be completed next year. Great opportunity for the Monfwi people to have a road to the access road. The access road will bring them to the community. That was the original plan, Madam Chair, and that's what the department is working on. Thank you.

Thank you, Minister. Member for Monfwi.

Masi, Madam Chair. I do believe, when we toured the 72 kilometres, my official chief's leadership have also travelled the road, as well, have a tour of the road infrastructure. There's been questions asked by the Chief of Whati and of council members, too. I understand that there's been talks that Kiewit, the main contractor, they can link up the road towards the community of Whati as opposed to just access road. I believe that there's discussions taking place with the main contractor, and I'm just wondering where things are at because that was the last couple of weeks now, I believe, or the last few weeks ago. Has there been any productive discussion based on that? Masi, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to ask Mr. Loutitt to take the question.

Thank you, Minister. ADM Loutitt.

Speaker: MR. LOUTITT

Thank you, Madam Chair. The road, as we're being built, will connect, as the Minister noted, to the Whati access road. We recently had engineers in there just to have a look at it to assess what we're looking at as far as widening, drainage, what the requirements would be for widening, drainage, and other factors. Once we look at that report, we will be coming to seek funding for that portion, as well. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Mr. Loutitt. Member for Monfwi.

Masi, Madam Chair. My understanding from what the ADM has said: the money that was identified for Whati all-season road was from Highway No. 3 only to Whati access road. Is that the case with the federal government proposal? That will be my next line of question.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. That is correct.

Thank you, Minister. Member for Monfwi.

There is some feasibility or discussion has taken place now to deal with potential widening of the road to Whati. When are we expected to wrap things up so we can start planning on that? I understand Kiewit is very interested in doing that project, so just wondering when, because the ADM alluded to, as well, the current discussion happening. When are we expecting to get some results out of that? Masi.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to direct this to Mr. Moore.

Thank you, Minister. Mr. Moore.

Speaker: MR. MOORE

Thank you, Madam Chair. The team is actively working with Kiewit on the review of the inspection that deputy Loutitt just referred to. Going over the information, going over the width of the road, conditions, culvert replacements, et cetera, at which point they will understand the scope of the funding that will be required and then proceed with procurement options. That should happen over the next few months, Madam Chair. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Moore. Member for Monfwi.

Masi, Madam Chair. Once the information comes in, since it wasn't part of the federal proposal, I would assume that the funding will be identified within the department. Is that the case to offset the costs of connecting to Whati? Masi.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm not sure what the plan was at the beginning of this Tlicho All-Season Road. I know there has been years and years of work in place to get this as far as it has gone to the access road. I'm going to let Mr. Moore take the question.

Thank you, Minister. Mr. Moore.

Speaker: MR. MOORE

Thank you, Madam Chair. The department is actively working with the Department of Finance through procurement and through Kiewit to look at funding solutions and procurement options with the intention that once that is determined we would proceed with construction once spring comes. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Mr. Moore. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Marci cho, Madam Chair. Looking through the asset management lists for all the projects we've got going on, lots of various locations, yet I don't see anything specifically for my riding, Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. This is very disappointing for me. I'm really disappointed, the trend I'm seeing through all these investments. I'm going line by line and seeing all this work that's being done, and my constituents are being left out. I'm not okay with that. Saying that, like I said in various, I'm hoping that some of these projects are captured in my community. I'm just going to have a question for the Minister to start. These locations that are titled various, are Lutselk'e and Deninu Kue part of that? Marci cho.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. The department has committed 20 kilometers of chip seal on Highway No. 6, which leads into the Member's constituent. I also do want to make note that the capital plan, especially for Infrastructure, it's over a 10-year period, and although the Member may not see things on this year's capital plan, it does not mean it wasn't in the previous year or perhaps maybe in another year. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Minister. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Thank you. I do understand that a lot of these items were brought into play well before we were elected into office, but it's still good to know that there is still a good long term of work outlook for my constituents because we do have a lot of people that still need to go to work and depend on some of these contracts that are on here. I want to see more of that in the riding. Of course, not just for Deninu Kue and Lutselk'e but also Ndilo and Detah. Aside from that 20-kilometer chip seal outside of Deninu Kue, was there anything else in my riding? I'm referring to Ndilo and Detah, as well. Thank you.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to request Mr. Moore to take the question. Thank you.

Thank you, Minister. Mr. Moore.

Speaker: MR. MOORE

Thank you, Madam Chair. In addition to the chip seal, we talked about the addition of work that will proceed over a number of years. Lutselk'e power plant would be one of those that the department is currently working on. It's a federally funded initiative that's proceeding in 2021-2022. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Mr. Moore. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Two days ago, I brought up an idea of possibly having a neutral service of the fire department. They have a fire hall in Detah. It got me thinking. I'm just wondering if there is anything in the long-term capital plan to upgrade the road between the Detah junction and Detah? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. If I recall correctly, and I could ask for some assistance, but last month, we took a drive and met with the YKDFN. I was told that there was a number of work that was done on that road, and it just finished this summer. I'm going to ask Mr. Moore to just confirm that because I was told that there was a number of work that was done on the road to Detah. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Minister. Mr. Moore.

Speaker: MR. MOORE

Thank you, Madam Chair. That's correct. That work proceeded this summer and was completed or a chip-seal project. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Mr. Moore. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm just going to leave this now. I do probably have some other questions, and I'll think on it. If I have any more questions, I'll submit in writing. Marsi cho.

Thank you, Member. Are there any other questions, comments, under Asset Management on pages 42 and 43? Member for Yellowknife North.

Thank you, Madam Chair. My first question is: of this $167 million here, I notice there is a lot of federal funding and a lot of 75-cent dollars, but of that total figure, how much of this is federal money? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Member. Minister.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to send the question to Mr. Loutitt.

Thank you, Minister. Deputy Minister Loutitt.

Speaker: MR. LOUTITT

Thank you, Madam Chair. You are correct. Of the $292 million, approximately $260 million of it is tied up in federal agreements. I would have to come back to you with the answer of exactly how much of that is allocated from the federal government and how much from the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, deputy minister. Member for Yellowknife North.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes. I would appreciate, on this area, getting a sense of that. When we pass $167 million, it's usually not us actually passing that because there is a bunch of federal dollars attached, so I would just like to have that figure. In question period today, I heard that, essentially, our deferred maintenance was at $465 million on all of our assets, and we're spending about $5 million a year. By my calculation, it will take us 93 years to catch up on all of our deferred maintenance. Can somebody just help me understand that figure? I would like a little bit more explanation. Essentially, is it us taking all of the infrastructure we have, doing a needs assessment, and seeing what needs to be repaired and replaced, and that comes to $465 million? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you, Member. Minister.