Debates of October 30, 2020 (day 46)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. Norn, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek

Question 439-19(2): National Housing Co-Investment Fund

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, the housing situation has been going on in Nunakput and across the whole territory, lack of housing. It made the news the other day that $60-million fund that wasn't touched in regard to the co-investment fund. I'm wondering if the Minister is making with her department, her housing department, making a strategy and working with our local NGOs and where I'm from, IRC and the community corporations. I'm going to send a letter out saying that, "Okay. The $60-million fund, what kind of plan can we come up with in the communities?" Will the Minister entertain that, in regard to helping her spend that $60 million in regard to getting more units in the houses where they are needed in the communities? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Nunakput. Minister responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know there is going to be a lot of talk about the national co-investment fund and how this program is rolling out. I just want to make it very clear that this is a federal funding program that the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation is acting in support, to try to program deliver and try to connect and outreach the CMHC to access these programs throughout the Northwest Territories. This summer, the Housing Corporation had mentioned we had visited 14 communities out of the 33. Out of those 14 communities, every Indigenous group was consulted. We did meet with them and also to provide them with an update on how the program works. It is $60 million.

I am committed, and I want to spend that money by the end of this government. I want there to be applications coming forward. My department is working strategically on how are we going to be partnering up with CMHC to tell the federal government we are not a southern jurisdiction. The way we do business in the Northwest Territories is different. It does not match the way that the program is laid out.

In regard to my colleague's region, I just wanted to provide him an update that we do have housing retrofits happening in Tuktoyaktuk this year with the completion date of 2021, materials and labour and major retrofits on four units. Paulatuk, we have major retrofits on five units, as well, with the completion date of February of 2021. Materials and labour on four additional units in Paulatuk, as well, with a fourplex that is being finalized in Inuvialuit Regional Corporation. Sachs Harbour we have three major retrofits, two units that's completion for December 2020. Tuktoyaktuk, as well, we have materials and labour on one unit and the tender will be going out in February 2021 and the delivery date of October 2021. Just to further update my colleague, we are working on a community plan, and we are starting the consultation and hopefully the completion would be within 2021, as well. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Madam Minister, for that update, too. I see that, but we need new units. We need more units. The units that we do have we could have had about another 20 more units because there is so much mould and stuff going on in the community. People are getting sick. I'm thankful to hear that. I know that's happening, but we need more units. We have either sell out what they can get rid of to get it out of the system because I know we're only allowed so many units in the community. We have to get rid of some of the old units and put some new ones and bigger ones, fourplexes. We need more fourplexes. We have young families in regard to that.

I know the Minister tried to come up to my riding, but at the time I wasn't available to do a tour. I'm inviting the Minister to come up with me to see firsthand what's happening in my communities in Nunakput and hearing it from my constituents and seeing what we need. We need to work together and spend this money. I'm here to help her to spend this money. The NGOs got a list, IRC, community corporation. Like I said, priority one is my constituents in regard to proper allocated housing in regard to a roof over their head and homelessness, also. That's my next question.

I hear the plea from the Member. The lack of housing throughout the Northwest Territories is quite significant, and we are working with each of the communities. We do have partnerships, as well, with the Indigenous groups throughout the Northwest Territories. I did send out notices to the Indigenous groups in Nunakput, but the invitation to invite was declined due to COVID. We are scheduled to go to Tuktoyaktuk possibly the third week of November. I'll be speaking with the Member.

I'd like to thank the Minister for that. We do need to get this money flowing. Last time the money was being spent was eight months ago. They have to have somebody hired right away at the department of housing to start allocating and start getting priorities set to start spending this co-investment money. It's free money. I really would like to see if we could, what's the timeline for that person being hired in the department to start spending the $60 million?

The Housing Corporation is in the process of hiring a person right now. Hopefully, we'll have the hire completed and done and in the office by the end of November. I just wanted to elaborate on the co-investment fund. It's a federal funding that is provided to the Northwest Territories, also the Rapid Rehousing Program funding, as well, but these are federal funding programs. The Northwest Territories does not have direct access to it. We are supporting these federal initiatives, and we are trying to get the messaging out there so NGOs, stakeholders, and Indigenous groups can come to the table, submit their application. We as a Housing Corporation can provide our technical support. I have also advised my department to make our construction plans and our building plans available to these applicants, as well.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Final supplementary. Member for Nunakput.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to invite CMHC on that tour in regard to seeing. They came to Tuktoyaktuk about two years ago. We told them all our issues, and we never heard back from them. I would ask the NWT representative invited onto that tour of Nunakput and whatever tour she is going on in regard to other than my riding, but I think it's a real priority. It has to be done. We have been sitting. If they are holding $60 million of the territory's access to funding, it should be spent, and it's urgent. Some people are homeless. Some people, they need a little bit of a light to say that -- I know this Minister is trying, and we are here to help her. Help me help you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you for the Member's comments, as well. During these tours, CMHC is travelling with us, as well. The purpose of CMHC to be travelling with the Housing Corporation is to provide those introductions, as well, and to build those relationships with the communities so we could see these applications completed and we could see successful applications delivered from the Northwest Territories. Also, the commitment to get houses on the ground is absolutely a priority for this government, for the Housing Corporation, as well. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Oral questions. Member for Deh Cho.