Debates of October 20, 2022 (day 124)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Mr. Edjericon, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Ms. Weyallon-Armstrong.

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I'm wondering if Health and Social Services will commit to providing conditional employment contracts to potential nursing graduates in January before they are headhunted by other jurisdictions? In speaking with past graduates, they have noted that quite often in the month of June they are receiving casual contracts and are really having to put their faith in the GNWT to get around to providing indeterminate contracts to them. And so I'm wondering if we can bump this up to really make sure that we're not losing nurses to other jurisdictions. Thank you.

Yes, thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, the Department of Finance staff, I'm told, will be meeting with the graduating class of licensed practical nurses next week to discuss the benefits of working with the GNWT. And in addition, NTHSSA and human resources staff will be meeting with the current college nursing students, set to graduate next year, on November 29th and will provide conditional job offers at that time. The trip from conditional offer to indeterminate position involves making sure that all the requirements of the position are filled, such as graduate certification, successful completion of national certification, and achieving the registration requirements. Once those are all in place, the person is offered an indeterminate job. Thank you.


Thank you, Minister. Final supplementary. Member for Kam Lake.

Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. And thank you to the Minister for that. I know that Regular MLAs will be watching for this to make sure that this does happen because it's really important to both the students and MLAs, that we're able to retain the students who are trained here at Aurora College and have most likely grown up here in the Northwest Territories as well.

Madam Speaker, currently public servants are being denied education leave for nursing as it does not fulfill their home department's mandate within the government. And so I'm wondering if Health and Social Services will work with the GNWT to create an allofgovernment approach to education leave for public servants who want to pursue nursing careers and who want to pursue studies within Aurora College? Thank you.

Yes, thank you. It's my information that the Department of Finance is reviewing the education leave program at this time and more detail is available from that department. Thank you.


Thank you, Minister. Oral questions. Member for Monfwi.

Question 1215-19(2): Treatment Programs

Thank you. Thank you, Madam Speaker. With reference to the Minister's response to a previous question, it is really sad because and unfortunate because we have many people in the small communities who are suffering with trauma, especially with trauma experience especially from all the loss, loss of life due to addiction. We know that people want to heal and move forward. So with that in mind, will the Minister commit to a renewed approach and rebuild effective and respectful working relationship with Poundmaker's Lodge in order to renew the service contract and ensure Indigenous Northerners and communities have access to their Creator, community, and Indigenousfocused treatment solutions? Thank you.


Thank you, Member. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Yes, thank you. There's been issues with the contract with Poundmaker's Lodge. They initiated the cancellation of their contract and that takes effect at the end of October. There were a number of contractual issues that relate to services not being delivered as contracted. I'm personally disappointed that this relationship is not stronger. I have met many people in my life who have been to Poundmaker's and who have been very satisfied with the services that they've received there and have achieved longterm sobriety, which I think is the goal that we all are hoping for. So I have committed to meeting with the executive director of Poundmaker's to see if it is possible to resolve the issues that are outstanding. And that meeting will take place on Monday. Thank you.

Well, I just want to ask the Minister if she reached out to you know, to them because the clinical director of the program is in town and if she wants to, I can arrange for the meeting to take place. Thank you.

Yes, thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I'm meeting with the executive director on Monday. I appreciate the offer from the Member.

Tabling of Documents

Tabled Document 736-19(2): Plain Language Document for Bill 56: An Act to Amend the NWT Housing Corporation Act

Madam Speaker, I wish to table the following document: Plain Language Document for Bill 56: An Act to Amend the NWT Housing Corporation Act. Mahsi, Madam Speaker.


Thank you tabling of documents. Minister responsible for Status of Women.

Tabled Document 737-19(2): Status of Women Council of the Northwest Territories 2021-2022 Annual Report

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would like to table the following document: 20212022 Status of Women Council of the Northwest Territories Annual Report. Thank you, Madam Speaker.


Thank you tabling of documents. Member for Frame Lake.

Tabled Document 738-19(2): Moody’s News Release – Downgrades the Northwest Territories to Aa2, Outlook stable

Merci, Madame la Presidente. I wish to table the following document: A news release from Moody's entitled "Moody's Downgrades the Northwest Territories to Aa2, Outlook stable" dated March 9th, 2022. Mahsi, Madam Speaker.


Motion 62-19(2): Reappointment and Appointment of Human Rights Commission Members, Carried

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Reappointment and appointment of Human Rights Commission members, the motion:

WHEREAS section 16(2) of the Human Rights Act provides that the Northwest Territories Human Rights Commission is composed of such members, between three and five in number, as may be appointed by the Commissioner on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly;

AND WHEREAS the Human Rights Commission currently has only four members with a term of one of the Commission members set to expire on November 2nd, 2022;

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River North, that the Legislative Assembly recommend the reappointment of the following individual to the Northwest Territories Human Rights Commission effective immediately for a term of four years:

Mr. Yakub Adam of the City of Yellowknife.

AND FURTHER, that the Legislative Assembly recommend the appointment of the following individual to the Northwest Territories Human Rights Commission effective immediately for a term of four years:

Mr. Norman Yakeleya of the City of Yellowknife.

Thank you.


Thank you the motion is in order. To the motion.




Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Abstentions?


Motion is carried. Member for Hay River South.

Motion 63-19(2): Reappointment of Human Rights Adjudication Panel Members, Carried

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

WHEREAS section 48(1) of the Human Rights Act provides for the establishment of an adjudication panel composed of at least three persons appointed by the Commissioner on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly;

AND WHEREAS section 48(2) of the Human Rights Act provides that the members of the panel hold office during good behaviour for a term of four years with the exception of the first members appointed;

AND WHEREAS there are two vacancies on the adjudication panel due to expired appointments;

AND WHEREAS the Board of Management is tasked with recommending individuals to the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Assembly's prepared to make recommendation to the Commissioner;.

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, second by the honourable Member for Hay River North, that the following two individuals be recommended to the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories for reappointment as members of the Human Rights Adjudication Panel effectively immediately for a term of four years:

Mr. Colin Baile of the City of Yellowknife; and,

Mr. Paul Parker of the City of Yellowknife.

And further, that the Speaker be authorized to communicate the effective date of this appointment to the commissioner. Thank you, Madam Speaker.


Thank you, Member. The motion is in order. To the motion.





Notice of Motion for the First Reading of Bills

Bill 58: An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act

Thank you, Madam Speaker; I have two motions.

I give notice that on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, I will present Bill 58, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, to be read for the first time. Thank you, Madam Speaker.


Thank you notice of motion for the first reading of bills. Member for Hay River South.

Bill 59: An Act to Amend the Elections and Plebiscites Act

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I give notice that on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, I will present Bill 59, An Act to Amend the Elections and Plebiscites Act, to be read for the first time. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Second Reading of Bills

Bill 56: An Act to Amend the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation Act

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Range Lake, that Bill 56, An Act to Amend the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation Act, be read for the second time.

The bill amends the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation Act to continue the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation as Housing Northwest Territories. This bill will also include consequential amendments to the following statutes:

Charter Communities Act;

Cities, Towns and Villages Act;

Environmental Rights Act;

Family Law Act;

Financial Administration Act;

Hamlets Act;

Ombud's Act;

Public Service Act;

Real Estate Agent Licensing;

Residential Tenancy Act; and,

Tlicho Community Government Act.

Mahsi, Madam Speaker.


Thank you the motion is in order. To the principle of the motion.




Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Abstentions? Motion is carried.


Second reading of bills. Minister of Justice.

Bill 57: Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act

Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, that Bill 57, Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act 2022, be read for the second time.

This bill corrects inconsistencies and errors in the statutes of the Northwest Territories. The bill also deals with other matters of a minor, noncontroversial, and uncomplicated nature in the statutes. Thank you, Madam Speaker.


Thank you, Minister. The motion is in order. To the principle of the motion.




Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Abstentions? The motion is carried.


Bill 56 and Bill 57 have had second reading and will be referred to a committee.

Consideration of Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

I now call Committee of the Whole to order. What is the wish of committee? Member for Frame Lake.