Debates of December 8, 2023 (day 1)
Member’s Statement 13-20(1):
Mr. Speaker, first and foremost thank you to the voters of Inuvik Boot Lake. Obviously without you, I would not be here, and I certainly appreciate you putting your trust in me to come down here and work on your behalf.
Congratulations to the Premier and the new Cabinet. I look forward to working with you in the coming four years.
Thank you to my team. Nobody can do this by themselves. Running a campaign, as we all know in this room, is very time consuming. So for all my friends, my team, my official agent Peter Clarkson, and so many -- I wish I could name them all -- that check in on my mental health, that do the little errands sometimes that you just don't get time to do and continue to reach out and offer to do -- to get my 17-year-old unstuck when he takes my car and runs into a snowbank when I'm not there, so it's been so -- it's been amazing. The people of Inuvik, of Inuvik Boot Lake, my friends, my family, it's just been incredible, and I thank them all very much.
My children - Hayley, Tyler, and Will, my wife who is my rock, who is my sounding board, who keeps me grounded, thank you so much.
And I look forward, again, to working with you all in the coming four years. As we take our break, have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and thank you very much.