Debates of December 8, 2023 (day 1)


Member’s Statement 18-20(1):

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I also want to take a moment to thank my constituents and the people of Hay River. You know, we've had a tough few years in Hay River. It's almost surreal when you think about what has happened. And, you know, even though I'm in a new role now, I want my constituents to know that I will continue to work to address the issues that we're facing now and to prepare so that we don't have to face those issues again in the future. So that work will continue, and that's my commitment, Mr. Speaker.

I want to thank my family for the support they've given me. And I want to thank everyone's family here actually. I don't think people realize the toll it takes on a family when you run for office and when you're in office, and so they carry a lot of that weight and I think they deserve that deserves to be acknowledged.

I also want to congratulate all of the Members elected to the Executive Council and all the new Members, all of the reelected Members. You know, this is quite an adventure that we're all embarking on, and I know we're all looking forward to it.

And, finally, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank you for stepping up and putting your name forward. This role is so important; the role of the Speaker is so important. I've already seen changes that you've implemented, and we're only a few minutes into our first sitting here. And after working with you for the last four years, I know your values and I know your work ethic. I know that the House is in good hands, and I appreciate that. So thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.