Debates of February 8, 2024 (day 4)


Member’s Statement 47-20(1): Government of the Northwest Territories Indigenous Procurement Policy

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the 19th Legislative Assembly committed to ensuring that government procurement maximizes benefits for the NWT residents and businesses. In order to fulfill this commitment, in December of 2020 the GNWT hired an independent panel to provide recommendations to strengthen GNWT procurement policies. This independent panel conducted public consultation, engaged with stakeholders, and reviewed years of contract data.

Mr. Speaker, on August 2023 the GNWT responded to this panel review report with a report on the review of GNWT procurement policies and practices. Mr. Speaker, in this report, it notes that the GNWT has been working with Indigenous governments on approaches to Indigenous procurement policy. The report also includes an implementation plan on several key topics, one of which is an approach to Indigenous procurement.

Mr. Speaker, the implementation plan for GNWT to address the Indigenous procurement policy includes the following actions:

Work with the Council of Leaders and the modern treaties and selfgovernment partners to explore ways to promote inclusion of NWT Indigenous business and individuals more effectively;

Develop an approach that recognizes the interest of parties and recognizes the implementation of modern treaty obligations;

Executive and Indigenous affairs lead a departmental working group to coordinate GNWT efforts in engagement with these bodies;

Engagement efforts ongoing since 2021, Mr. Speaker, include reviewing the panel's report on recommendations, confirmation of GNWT procurement principles, draft common procurement principles, jurisdictional scan, discussion and definition of Indigenous businesses for the purposes of GNWT policy, and introduction of potential policy mechanism.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Inuvik Boot Lake. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.