Debates of February 21, 2024 (day 7)
Member’s Statement 76-20(1): Health Care Sustainability
Mr. Speaker, of all the institutions that are important to Canadians and that unite us, few are as cherished as universal public health care. No matter who we are, we all proudly pay into the same system and trust it will be there for us when we need it the most. It's a public service we've enjoyed longer than many of us can remember yet it remains incumbent upon every generation to ensure health care remains in public hands where it belongs. That is why my constituents are very concerned with the GNWT's increasing reliance on private agencies in the NWT health care system. This is undermining public health care and impacting the morale of our health care workers.
Over the last few years, the government has turned to private agency nurses as a stop gap solution to retain health care work in the Northwest Territories. Year after year, this nursing shortage has grown without any solutions. Now to keep health services available, the government is advertising for temporary private workers to fly in and out at a hefty price to taxpayers. These agency nurses are paid far more than local professionals, recieving higher wages, as well as lucrative bonuses and per diems. They come with little understanding of our communities and no connection to our residents. In turn stifling the ability to make meaningful connections for Northerners with their health care providers. The more we rely on private agencies, the more we are undermining our own local workforce. I fear our government is sending a message to our health care workers that they are worth less than those who come from the south.
It is understandable that in order to keep our health care services available that gaps in the system need to be filled but at some point a line needs to be drawn. Why are we spending so much money on private agencies when our nurses are underpaid and undervalued? What does it say about our health care system when we make it more attractive to health care workers to leave permanent jobs for ununionized private agencies? It cannot be true that this government is prioritizing private profits over the needs of public health care workers. This is just another example of how underfunding health care is the first step towards health care privatization. This is privatization by stealth, Mr. Speaker.
Building failure into the public system creates space for private agencies to move in, and that's exactly what has happened. We need to treat our health care workers with the respect and dignity they deserve and offer them wages and benefits that will keep them in the North and keep them working for Northerners. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Range Lake. Members' statements. Member from from the Sahtu.