Debates of February 27, 2024 (day 11)

20th Assembly, 1st Session
Members Present
Hon. Caitlin Cleveland, Mr. Edjericon, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Lucy Kuptana, Hon. Jay MacDonald, Hon. Vince McKay, Mr. McNeely, Ms. Morgan, Mr. Morse, Mr. Nerysoo, Ms. Reid, Hon. Lesa Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Weyallon Armstrong, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Mrs. Yakeleya

Member’s Statement 129-20(1): 2024 Arctic Winter Games

Good afternoon, colleagues. As we are all aware, the Arctic Winter Games were held in the MatSu Valley in Alaska. The Games will mostly take place in the Valley's two largest cities, Palmer and Wasilla. Just an hour north of Anchorage, separated by 16 miles, they serve as a major hub of commercial, tourism, and recreation. The games are being held March 10th to the 16th. We will witness approximately 2,000 participants, coaches, admission staff, and officials from eight contingencies attend these games.

Colleagues, I'm very proud to say we have nine athletes representing five sports, one coach and two youth ambassadors from the Nahendeh riding representing the Team NWT at these games. I have attached the list to this statement and will ask it to be deemed as read and printed in the Hansard.

I would like to thank their parents, local coaches, teachers and friends that supported these athletes and ambassadors as they prepare for this very important international event. As we heard in the news, there was some challenges in getting passports for some of the athletes across the NWT. I would like to thank our Member of Parliament and his office staff for working hard to help address this issue. I can tell you they did not stop and took the issue right to the top.

As he was a former Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, he understands the importance of getting youth to these games. As well, I would like to thank Service Canada NWT branch and Passport Canada for helping our youth achieve one of their goals.

From the NWT side, I would like to thank the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, his staff, Chef De Mission, and Sport North staff for working together to solve this issue.

Now back to the athletes. I can tell you their hard work, determination, and dedication to their sport is very inspiring. I know that they are very proud of their accomplishments and are looking forward to their next adventures at these games.

Like athletes, the youth ambassador representatives are going to have a great time being part of the volunteer team at these games. What I seen in the past is a life changing opportunity for these youth and what a great event to continue to volunteer. I wish the NWT team all the best, and hopefully we bring the Stuart Hodgson Award back. Thank you.

Athletes from the Nahendeh Riding

Amaria TancheHanna

Fort Simpson

Brittany Kendo

Fort Simpson

Callie Thomas

Fort Simpson

Gina HardistyIsaiah

Fort Simpson

Jaicee Tsetso

Fort Simpson

Lydia Nelner

Fort Simpson

Payton Bennett

Fort Simpson

Shawna McLeod

Fort Simpson

Tanner Isaiah

Fort Simpson

Athletes from the Nahendeh Riding

Valerie Gendron

Fort Simpson

Youth Ambassadors from the Nahendeh Riding

Kaechoa Rocque

Sambaa K'e

Adrian Allen

Fort Liard