Debates of May 29, 2024 (day 18)
Member’s Statement 206-20(1): Illicit Drug Trade Impact and Prevention Measures
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Drugs and addictions workshop in the youth conference. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to address the urgent substance misuse and drug crisis devastating our communities across the Northwest Territories and Sahtu region. Mr. Speaker, I had the privilege of attending the substance misuse and drug crisis meeting in Fort Good Hope April 30th to May 1st organized by the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated. The meeting brought together leaders, elders, youth, and the community members to openly discuss the challenges that plague their communities and develop a plan moving forward.
Mr. Speaker, the consensus was very clear. We need immediate action on the multiple fronts to stop illegal drugs and support those struggling with addictions. The Sahtu demands a comprehensive approach, including increased law enforcement, drug education, expanded addictions treatment, and more economic opportunities.
Mr. Speaker, we heard heartwrenching and very emotional stories of lives lost and families and suffering. The impacts on our peoples' health is immeasurable. We cannot allow this crisis to continue unchecked. Mr. Speaker, I call upon this government to partner with the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated and our community leaders to implement strategy in working, or developed in stages, including more resources for RCMP officers, drug education in schools, local addiction counsellors, and treatment options. And, Mr. Speaker, investments in job training and business development.
Mr. Speaker, Tulita will host the next SSI youth life promotional conference June 3rd to June 6th to build on work started in Fort Good Hope. I give notice on my attendance. Our future leaders must be commended. I request unanimous consent to conclude my statement, Mr. Speaker.
Unanimous consent granted
Thank you. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. And mahsi, colleagues. Mr. Speaker, the Sahtu is resilient, but we need the full commitment of the Government of the Northwest Territories to combat this drug crisis, build healthier, and must regain our traditional values and build safer communities. Mr. Speaker, we cannot lose one more life to illegal drugs. I urge all Members to support the Sahtu substance misuse and drug crisis plan. Together, we can heal our communities and create a brighter future. Mahsi.
Thank you, Member from the Sahtu. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.