Debates of June 5, 2024 (day 21)


Member’s Statement 237-20(1): Crime Reduction in the Northwest Territories

Mr. Speaker, there's no comparing the recent surge of violent crime and drug activity in the North to any other moment in our modern history. Over the last year, my constituents and I have learned to brace ourselves when we check the local headlines because we've grown to expect a procession of drug busts, assaults, and murders each week. I know my colleagues in this Assembly and their constituents share this anxiety. The addictions crisis is reaching into all of our communities, and as the drugs flow in, the violence is never far behind. Violent crime and the drug trade go hand in hand. Total drug violations have increased steadily over the last ten years, and homicides have risen alongside them. These drug dealers are now bringing in guns, and they are certainly using them. In previous years, the RCMP would confiscate one or two handguns but last year they've seized more than 30.

There have been multiple homicides in Yellowknife this year alone where handguns were confirmed to be the murder weapon. I am pleased to see this Assembly is taking action. The new crime reduction unit has been described by the RCMP as a game changer because once it’s up and running, the NWT will no longer have to rely on the federal drug crime unit for help. Instead, this NWT unit will be kept on the road, providing effective surveillance of suspected drug activity and prompt dissemination of information so they may quickly obtain the warrants needed to shut those illegal activities down.

However, there is still much work needed to be done here in this Assembly to support this new unit and the RCMP officers who put their lives to get this difficult job done. We need SCAN legislation so civil courts can pursue owners and occupants of homes who are facilitating criminal activity. We can't let anyone turn a blind eye. And there needs to be consequences, and the RCMP need to be able to quickly seize assets related to criminal activity. Housing NWT needs more tools as well. They can't just be waiting for a noise complaint when the neighbourhood knows there's something going on. We made some progress, Mr. Speaker, but we can't lose our focus. Let's keep working to give law enforcement the tools they need to keep our communities safe. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. Members' statements. Member from Great Slave.