Debates of June 5, 2024 (day 21)


Yes, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just like my colleague said about the Minister of housing, that was a good response to our motion, and I'm looking forward to working with them. And then I'm looking forward to working with her, or all of us looking forward to working with her and then with Department of Finance to fix this. And can we have a recorded vote for this. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Monfwi. Member from Monfwi has asked for a recorded vote. Sorry, actually to the motion.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Tu NedheWiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Yellowknife Centre. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those in favour, ten. Opposed, zero. Abstentions, six. The motion has passed.


Motions. Member from Range Lake.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Tu NedheWiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. Those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

To the motion. Those in favour, nine. Opposed, zero. Seven abstentions. The motion has carried.


Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I want to thank my colleagues and also the Minister for your response, and I think this is a good opportunity to understand that working outside the policy of government and coming together on a common issue, especially if it's a priority of this government, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to look for solutions, and I thank you for giving me your support on this motion. Mahsi. And I'd like to ask for a recorded vote too as well. Mahsi.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Tu NedheWiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Yellowknife Centre. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

To the motion, ten yeses. Zero nos. Six abstention. The motion has passed.


Motions. Notices of motion for the first reading of bills. First reading of bills. Second reading of bills.

Consideration in Committee of the Whole of bills and other matters. Minister's Statement 420(1), Minister's Statement 520(1), Minister's Statement 1720(1), Minister's Statement 2420(1), Tabled Document 9320(1).