Debates of June 6, 2024 (day 22)


Member’s Statement 251-20(1): Congratulations to Graduates

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I would like to congratulate the 2024 High School Graduating Class of the Inuvik East Three Secondary School. Mr. Speaker, this year's ceremony is extra special for me as my son will be among the graduating class.

I would like to thank the incredible staff at East Three Secondary School, and I would like to congratulate the families and mentors who have helped the grade 12 students accomplish this milestone in their lives. Mr. Speaker, there are 27 students graduating this year, and they are:

Andy Albert

Livia Amos

Kira Bretana

Kaycee Campbell

Jared Day

Mila Eldridge

Isabel Firth-Gruben

Sienna Gordon

Hope Gordon-Thrasher

William Inglangasuk

Tamara Kaglik

Kaylyn Kayotuk

Derek Lennie-Ipana

Zaiden Maring

Symantha McCarthy Adams

Rowan McInnes

Tatum Mistaken-Chief

Dreydan Natsie

Chase Nogasak

Sami Rahman

Will Rodgers

Bianca Rogers

Alexandria Ruben

Charlie Snowshoe

Connor VanLoon

Race Vittrekwa-Blake

Rylan Wainman

Mr. Speaker, I, again would like to congratulate all these students. I'd like to let the Speaker know and the House that I will be absent from the House tomorrow to travel home to Inuvik to attend the ceremony and give an address to the students on Saturday, June 8th. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Members' statements. Member from Mackenzie Delta.