Debates of June 7, 2024 (day 23)


Member’s Statement 267-20(1): Culture Sites at Taltson

Mr. Speaker, last year I brought forward the issue of issue of cultural sites and unmarked graves in the path of the Taltson Hydro Project. I spoke about how the community of Roche River was abandoned to provide a clear path for this hydro project, but it was never made clear how the territorial government would go about identifying cultural sites and burial sacred grounds that could be disturbed by this project.

Mr. Speaker, the burial sites in this location is 60 feet under water. There are cultural sites like all over the North, dating back into time immemorial, and we need to ensure that they are treated with respect. So analyzing what impacts infrastructure projects have on the environment and culture in any region of the North is extremely important if you want to move on from the history of colonialism and systemic racism.

When I spoke on this last year, I was given a clear commitment from the territorial government that they would respect the Indigenous communities around Taltson Hydro Project but since then, I have not heard no updates, neither have the Akaitcho or Metis governments, as this project moves ahead. My constituents and the Indigenous natives of the riding are once again seeking clarity before it's too late. We need to progress on this issue so history and culture and land is respected.

The territorial government needs to show Canada that here in the North we do development differently, in partnership with Indigenous governments and with the upmost respect for the history of the land and its people. I look forward to asking the Minister for clarity on this project today. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Members' statements. Member from Monfwi.