Debates of February 13, 2025 (day 44)
Question 510-20(1): Innovation in Response to Aurora College Community Learning Centres Closures

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, further to my statement.
Mr. Speaker, can the Minister advise whether the Department of ECE or the Aurora College board has considered a partnership with the department of MACA school of community government to broaden training? Mahsi.
Thank you, Member from the Sahtu. Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Having just received this report that was given to me by the Member, you know, it's an interesting concept. What I can say right now is no departments have communicated in regard to his Member's statement. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I apologize to the Minister in getting this request in late here. However, we can move on.
My second question, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister commit to asking the Aurora College board to consider adopting a new regional community learning centre strategy run from centres in Hay River, Fort Simpson, and Norman Wells? Mahsi.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think this is an interesting concept. I think there's an opportunity, and there's been a few brought up over the last little while, but I think there's opportunities to use these community learning centres, and I think it's also an opportunity for my department to sit down with ECE and discuss other opportunities and maybe something comes along the lines as what the Minister's statement was getting at and the document that he provided me with earlier. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Final supplementary. Member from the Sahtu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thanks to the Minister for acknowledging that we're open for advancing forward on a model designed by community participation.
My third question there, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister commit to asking the Aurora board to consider reassigning the current full-time community adult educators who previously taught at community learning centres, or CLCs, in small communities? Mahsi.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just about had me confused too with Minister of education here, but.
Our community learning development centre specializes in a lot of municipal community government training. We specialize in -- the department specializes in the water treatment plant operating certificate, community government learning. So that's, you know, basically all we do within the community governance side so I'm interested in, you know, potentially sitting down with either departments and trying to figure out an opportunity to expand these and maybe working together with ECE to figure out how we can incorporate these. But at this time, I'm not able to basically commit to go to Aurora College board to take over these CLCs and anything like that. So thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Oral questions. Member from Great Slave.